Image: Ukraine Pres. Poroshenko awards US interventionist George Soros the Order of Freedom Award in Nov. 2015. Image from Luxembourg Herald, 10/13/18
“President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his election campaign [for March 31, 2019 election] enlisted the support of the US Democratic Party. Financier and philanthropist George Soros has recently considered Mr. Poroshenko his immediate protege and plans to use the President of Ukraine to confront Donald Trump.”…10/13/2018, “The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has enlisted the support of Trump’s opponents,“ Luxembourg Herald

Above image, 1/26/2016, “George Soros Finally Suspends His Lifelong War Against Russia,” Strategic Culture, Eric Zuesse

Above image, Soros, guns, and money, 1/26/2016, “George Soros Finally Suspends His Lifelong War Against Russia,” Strategic Culture, Eric Zuesse
Added: Obama freely admits US engineered Ukraine regime change in 2014:
In CNN interview with Zakaria, Obama freely admits 2014 Ukraine regime change was engineered by the US: Obama: "...because he [President Putin] was caught, uh...off balance by, uh, the protests in the Maidan [in Kiev] and, uh...[elected President] Yanukovych then fleeing after we'd brokered a deal, uh...to transition power [regime change] in Ukraine." You Tube video
Added: “Stunning rebuke” to Ukraine’s political establishment and to the candidate described proudly by Soros as his “immediate protege:"
4/21/19, “Ukraine comedian Zelensky wins presidency in landslide," AFP, Dmytro Gorshkov, Anna Smolchenko, Kiev
“A comedian with no political experience won a landslide victory in Ukraine’s presidential election on Sunday, drawing congratulations from global leaders while dealing a stunning rebuke to his country’s political establishment.
Volodymyr Zelensky, whose only previous political role was playing the president in a TV show, trounced incumbent Petro Poroshenko by taking 73 percent of the vote, according to partial official results.
Poroshenko garnered just 24 percent, losing to the 41-year-old comedian and actor across the country, with 42 percent of ballots counted….
The star of the TV series “Servant of the People” will now take the helm of a country of 45 million people beset by challenges and having run on the vaguest of political platforms.”…
Added: 4/22/19, AP, Kiev, Ukraine: “Unlike in most of the elections in Ukraine’s post-Soviet history, Zelenskiy appears to have won both in Ukraine’s west and east:"
“With nearly all the votes counted in Ukraine, TV star Volodymyr Zelenskiy is projected to win the country’s presidential runoff vote in a landslide. The Central Election Commission says Monday that Zelenskiy has won 73% of the vote while the incumbent President Petro Poroshenko got just 24% support with more than 96% of the ballots counted. Unlike in most of the elections in Ukraine’s post-Soviet history, Zelenskiy appears to have won both in Ukraine’s west and east, areas that have been traditionally polarized.”…"TV Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy wins Ukraine presidential election," AP
Added: Decades of US intervention, election manipulation (“We cannot accept this result,” said Colin Powell in 2004), in Ukraine and expenditure of $5 billion US tax dollars, left US fingerprints: rich and powerful were allowed to plunder the country, and misery, poverty and exploitation were delivered to the locals. As in the US, Ukraine law enforcement is “no match for the rich and powerful:”
4/22/19, “Brian Bonner: Time for Ukraine to unite,“ Kyiv Post, Brian Bonner
“They [Poroshenko and other Ukraine oligarchs] reached an understanding signaled by the Vienna Agreement in April 2014, in which Poroshenko and Vitali Klitschko flew to Austria to hammer out a deal with exiled oligarch Dmytro Firtash, who is still fighting corruption charges in the United States.
The deal, denied by Poroshenko and Klitschko, seems to have gone along these lines: Firtash would throw his support behind Poroshenko as president in the May 25, 2014 election and Klitschko as Kyiv mayor in exchange for Firtash being allowed to keep all his assets in Ukraine and not face any criminal investigations. If that wasn’t the deal, that is certainly what ultimately happened.
After that [in 2014] the oligarchs went through three stages. First came fear, then laying low, followed by the state where they are now: fully in charge, roaring back to life, controlling media and entire sectors of Ukraine’s economy. They’re riding as high as ever – Rinat Akhmetov, Victor Pinchuk, Ihor Kolomoisky (especially), Dmytro Firtash, Poroshenko and others.
And these are the challenges that Zelenskiy faces.
He will not be able to destroy the oligarchy or throw anybody in jail. Sorry, Ukraine’s state and its law enforcement apparatus – police, prosecutors, courts – are simply no match for the rich and powerful. They will fight with everything they have to stay out of jail and keep their assets. Government and oligarchs compete for the title of most distrusted institution in Ukraine.
A better strategy for Zelenskiy would be to end the privileges and the monopolies. But even here he will face vicious resistance. Parliament won’t remove its immunity to criminal prosecution – it’s why many of them are lawmakers. Oligarchs won’t give up their gravy-train monopolies that suck the economic life out of Ukraine.
This is why national unity is more important than ever.
Together, Ukrainians, civil society leaders, media, business elites, and Western friends can support a genuine de-monopolization and de-oligarchization drive led by Zelenskiy to change the course of the country. Let the corruptionists stay out of jail and keep what they have.
But, going forward, Ukraine must have a genuine market economy, with genuine competition, rule of law, respect for property rights, progressive taxation — and honest and effective law enforcement for those breaking the law.
This is the only way to unite the nation and stop people from fleeing abroad to work. This is the only way to lift 42 million people from grinding poverty.
This is the way forward to a fairer and more just economy. Let’s hope that everyone – including Poroshenko and his supporters – can agree on these principles.”
Commenter: “This must be viewed in the back drop of what was a military coup supported by Obama, Hillary. and John McCain. 2014 was a disaster for democracy in Ukraine. The pro Russian, non globalist candidate won the presidency [in 2014] with 54 % of the democratic vote. Then, we [US] supported a military coup for his violent ouster. We stuck in a globalist nothing president. Russia had a 40 year lease on the warm water port in Crimea. The pro Russian East Crimean people withdrew from Ukraine. [Russians greatly approved of Putin helping Crimea rejoin Russia]. 13,000 Ukrainian were killed in the war. WAR IS OVER!! PEOPLE ARE BACK TO DEMOCRACY. Globalism SUCKS. Stomp it out with both feet. NEVER!! Congratulations to the sovereign country of Ukraine and it’s democracy!!” bingoplayer
Two sources for high Putin approval after Crimea rejoined Russia, 2018 Pew Poll and 2016 Washington Post article:
“Confidence in Putin has been especially high, and intense, since 2014, the year Russia annexed Crimea [“After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage.”] from Ukraine. Putin retains high levels of confidence among all age groups and education and income levels, as well as both men and women....Those who have a favorable view of his political party, United Russia (Edinaya Rossiya), are almost unanimous in their confidence in his international leadership (94%).”
8/21/18, “Russians Say Their Government Did Not Try to Influence U.S. Presidential Election," Pew Research, by Jacob Poushter
March 6, 2016, “How to understand Putin’s jawdroppingly high approval ratings,“ Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum, Brussels Bureau Chief covering Europe
“Analysts said that after the Crimean annexation, Putin became untouchable to a large slice of the population.”….
Added: Soros and US government together are the greatest force for evil in the world:

4/21/19, “Ukraine’s Poroshenko concedes defeat to comedian rival Zelenskiy in presidential vote,” AP via CBC.ca
“Exit polls showed Poroshenko winning only a quarter of the vote in runoff election”
If borne out by election returns, the overwhelming victory by Zelenskiy would stand as a crushing rebuke to Poroshenko’s five years in office and a verdict on the country’s deep-seated corruption, sickly economy and grinding war against Russian-backed separatists in the country’s east that has killed over 13,000 people.
While official returns had yet to be released, Poroshenko accepted defeat, saying: “I am leaving office, but I want to firmly underline that I am not leaving politics.”
Zelenskiy, for his part, vowed after the release of the exit polls: “I promise I will never let you down.” And he suggested that his apparent victory could be a model for other former Soviet states that want to move forward from ossified politics.
“To all the countries of the former Soviet Union — look at us, everything is possible,” he said.
Although Zelenskiy was criticized for a vague campaign platform and never holding public office, voters appeared to cast aside those concerns in favour of a thorough sweep of Ukraine’s political leadership.
“I have grown up under the old politicians and only have seen empty promises, lies and corruption,” said Lyudmila Potrebko, a 22-year-old computer programmer who voted for Zelenskiy. “It’s time to change that.”
Zelenskiy, 41, became famous nationwide for his comic portrayal in a Ukrainian TV series of a high school teacher who becomes president after a video of him denouncing corruption goes viral.
Poroshenko was a billionaire candy magnate and former foreign minister before he took office in 2014 after huge [bloody] street protests [a regime change engineered by the US as Obama freely admits in CNN interview with Zakaria: Obama: "...because he [President Putin] was caught, uh...off balance by, uh, the protests in the Maidan [in Kiev] and, uh...[elected President] Yanukovych then fleeing after we'd brokered a deal, uh...to transition power [regime change] in Ukraine"] drove his [elected] Russia-friendly predecessor to flee the country.
Millions of people living in the rebel-controlled east and in Russia-annexed Crimea [Crimea return to Russia was agreed to by voters] were unable to vote....
‘We have grown poor under Poroshenko’
The incumbent campaigned on the same promise he made when he was elected in 2014: to lead the nation of 42 million into the European Union and NATO. However, those goals have been elusive amid Ukraine’s many problems. A visa-free deal with the EU led to the exodus of millions of skilled workers for better living conditions elsewhere in Europe.
In a jab at his politically inexperienced rival, the president warned voters that “it could be funny at first, but pain may come later.”
Poroshenko emphasized the need to “defend achievements of the past five years,” noting the creation of a new Ukrainian Orthodox Church that is independent from Moscow’s patriarchate, a schism he championed.
“Poroshenko has done a lot of good things for the country — creating its own church, getting the visa-free deal and taking Ukraine away from the empire,” said 44-year-old businessman Volodymyr Andreichenko, who voted for him.
But Poroshenko’s message fell flat with many voters struggling to survive on meagre wages and pay soaring utility bills.
“We have grown poor under Poroshenko and have to save to buy food and clothing,” said 55-year-old sales clerk Irina Fakhova. “We have had enough of them getting mired in corruption and filling their pockets and treating us as fools.”
Poroshenko has denied any link to an alleged embezzlement scheme involving one of his companies and a top associate.
Like Poroshenko, Zelenskiy pledged to keep Ukraine on its pro-Western course, but said the country should only join NATO if voters give their approval in a referendum. He said his top priority would be direct talks with Russia to end the fighting.”…
Added: Nov. 2015: Ukraine President Poroshenko gives “Order of Freedom” award to Soros, thanks his fellow oligarch for involving himself in Ukraine’s internal affairs for 25 years, and for Soros’ “professional advice on a wide range of public finances.” Poroshenko is the stooge installed by the US after it engineered 2014’s violent overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government. US considered Ukraine “the biggest prize” and a big step toward toppling Putin:

Nov. 12, 2015, “President awarded George Soros with the Order of Freedom,” president.gov.ua
“President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko awarded founder of Open Society Foundations George Soros with the Order of Freedom. The Head of State handed the award in person during the meeting with the world-famous financier and philanthropist.
“Your activity of the past few years has significantly contributed to the recent democratic changes in Ukraine. That’s why I am honored today to present you this high award with a symbolic name – the Order of Freedom,” the President said.
The Head of State noted substantial role of the International Renaissance Foundation founded by George Soros in the development of state and strengthening of democracy in the course of the last 25 years.

The President expressed gratitude for the efforts of George Soros, his long-term comprehensive plan to support Ukraine, as well as professional advice on a wide range of public finances.
In his turn, George Soros noted that it was a great honor to receive that award for him personally and on behalf of the International Renaissance Foundation.
According to the Decree, George Soros is awarded “for significant personal contribution to the strengthening of the international authority of the Ukrainian state, implementation of socio-economic reforms and many years of fruitful activity”.”
Added: Kyiv Post version of above Nov. 2015 article has some slight differences:
11/12/2015, “Poroshenko awards George Soros with Order of Freedom,” Kyiv post, by Interfax-Ukraine
“The head of state handed the award in person during the meeting with the world-famous financier and philanthropist.
“Your activity of the past few years has significantly contributed to the recent democratic changes in Ukraine. That’s why I am honored today to present you this high award with a symbolic name – the Order of Freedom,” the president said.
The head of state noted substantial role of the International Renaissance Foundation established by Soros in the development of state and strengthening of democracy in the course of the last 25 years.
The president expressed gratitude for the efforts of Soros, his long-term comprehensive plan to support Ukraine, as well as his professional advice on a wide range of public finances.
In his turn, Soros noted that it was a great honor to receive that award.
According to the president’s decree, George Soros is awarded “for significant personal contribution to the strengthening of the international authority of the Ukrainian state, implementation of socio-economic reforms and many years of fruitful activity.””
Added: Interventionist US government uses taxpayer funded IMF to bribe and threaten weak governments to follow US political orders:
“IMF warns Ukraine on bailout if it loses east [to Russia].”
“This is something of a leap of faith for the IMF and is politically driven by key IMF shareholders [the international aristocracy in the U.S and Europe] to support the (interim prime minister Arseniy) Yatseniuk ‘kamikaze’ administration in its reform efforts,’ according to Tim Ash, head of emerging markets research at Standard Bank.”…5/18/2014, Eric Zeusse, Washington’s Blog, subhead, “Why this is happening”
………………………….. According to the president’s decree, George Soros is awarded “for significant personal contribution to the strengthening of the international authority of the Ukrainian state, implementation of socio-economic reforms and many years of fruitful activity.””
Added: Interventionist US government uses taxpayer funded IMF to bribe and threaten weak governments to follow US political orders:
“IMF warns Ukraine on bailout if it loses east [to Russia].”
“This is something of a leap of faith for the IMF and is politically driven by key IMF shareholders [the international aristocracy in the U.S and Europe] to support the (interim prime minister Arseniy) Yatseniuk ‘kamikaze’ administration in its reform efforts,’ according to Tim Ash, head of emerging markets research at Standard Bank.”…5/18/2014, Eric Zeusse, Washington’s Blog, subhead, “Why this is happening”
Added: Standard US neocon said, Ukraine is “the biggest prize” and an important step toward toppling Putin:
In a 9/26/2013 Washington Post op-ed Carl “Gershman called Ukraine “the biggest prize” and an important interim step toward toppling Putin.“…In 2014, after two decades and expenditure of $5 billion US tax dollars, US won the “the biggest prize” by engineering a “regime change” coup in Ukraine.
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