Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Obama disputes Trump and parasite NATO claim that “Crimea” proves Putin plans to conquer Europe, says Putin move in Crimea “not because of some grand strategy,” just his reaction to being caught off balance by US brokered regime change in Ukraine. 2015 CNN interview


Posted 2/1/2015 on You Tube, “Obama Openly Admits ‘Brokering Power Transition’ In Ukraine“…(in clip, relevant Obama statements play twice)

Obama interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria:

Obama:And since Mr. Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off balance by the protests in the Maidan [Kiev] and Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power [overthrow elected government] in Ukraine.”

Added: The “decision around Crimea” was approved overwhelmingly by Crimean voters:
After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage.”

4/30/2014, It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war,” UK Guardian, Seumas Milne, The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all.”

Added: Who will end the US taxpayer funded murder and genocide machine?

4/22/19, “The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West,” Consortium News, By Ivan Katchanovski, Special to Consortium News

 “The new Ukrainian government is faced with reopening an inquiry into evidence of an organized mass killing in Kiev [in 2014] that Poroshenko stonewalled. Ivan Katchanovski investigates.” 

“Five years ago, the Maidan massacre in Kiev, Ukraine, of Feb. 18-20, 2014, was a watershed event, not only for the politics and history of Ukraine but also for world politics generally. This mass killing in downtown Kyiv set the stage for the violent overthrow of the pro-Russian government in Ukraine and a new Cold War between Washington and Moscow.”…

Comment: Trump should resign immediately for either lying or being a coward. If he can’t stand up to the murderous US taxpayer funded war machine, then he needs to go back to New York. Further, everyone currently in the White House should leave. We’re much safer with a vacant White House. Trump can always lounge around the new swimming pool at NATO’s $1.23 billion new headquarters in Brussels. No wonder NATO is desperate to justify its existence. I’ve read that Trump can’t swim which may or may not be true, otherwise I’d suggest he enjoy a swim in NATO’s new pool.

Above pool in new NATO hq, via Assar architects


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