Friday, April 5, 2019

Libya is yet another country whose borders US taxpayers are forced to defend–and it’s not even in our own “hemisphere.” US and its “allies” should’ve been jailed for setting foot in Libya after their “regime change” bombing in 2011

Bloviating buffoons speaking for the US have no interest in “democracy” ortransitioning” to it, and no business advising others on these matters. Especially if the country is Libya: “We came, we saw, he died.”…Libya isn’t even in their “hemisphere.” Lacking a southern border, the US isn’t a country, only part of a land mass with no basis for having a military or collecting taxes. “US government” is a floating money laundering operation funneling US tax dollars to the Unwinnable War Industry. Bloviators force us to secure Libyan borders, then prevent us from securing what we thought were our borders. It needs to be said that we're slaves.

4/3/19, “Libya is currently torn between a United Nations and U.S.-backed government in Tripoli and another movement headed by General Khalifa Haftar that is based in the eastern part of the country.  

The State Department says on its website it is committed to providing “targeted assistance” to Libya to help with “political reconciliation” and “securing Libya’s territory, among other goals.”...4/2/19, Trump taps career diplomat as ambassador to Libya,” The Hill, Tal Axelrod

Added: US taxpayers finance armed “clashes” in Libya: 

4/3/19, “Eastern Libyan military forces are clashing with rival forces south of the capital Tripoli, a spokesman for the eastern force said on Wednesday. Ahmed Mismari told al-Arabiya TV his forces, which had started moving to western Libya, were clashing with an armed group belonging to the [“US and UN backed”] internationally recognised Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj based in Tripoli.…4/3/19, Eastern Libyan forces clash with rival troops south of Tripoli–spokesman,” Reuters UK

Added: US Bloviators continue to sell the well disproved “Transition” lie, as if such a thing is the normal course of events after US “regime change” bombings and new “elections:” “the assumption of the transition paradigm—the notion that achieving regular, genuine electionswill confer democratic legitimacy and democratic accountability. 

4/4/19, ““At this sensitive moment in Libya’s transition, military posturing and threats of unilateral action only risk propelling Libya back toward chaos,” they said in a joint statement issued by the US State department....The US, UK, France, Italy and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also issued a joint statement calling for calm.”…

Added: “The transition paradigm—the notion that achieving regular, genuine elections will not only confer democratic legitimacy on new governments but continuously deepen political participation and democratic accountability—has often come up short.” 

Merely holding elections doesn’t mean you have “democracy.” The US has “elections” but everyone knows they’re meaningless. It’s taken for granted that the winning US presidential candidate can’t or won’t deliver on promises made to get elected.…Jan. 2002, The End of the Transition Paradigm," Journal of Democracy, Thomas Carothers 

(page 15): “The third assumption of the transition paradigm—the notion that achieving regular, genuine elections will not only confer democratic legitimacy on new governments but continuously deepen political participation and democratic accountability—has often come up short. In many “transitional countries,” reasonably regular, genuine elections are held but political participation beyond voting remains shallow and governmental accountability is weak. The wide gulf between political elites and citizens in many of these countries turns out to be rooted in structural conditions, such as the concentration of wealth or certain sociocultural traditions, that elections themselves do not overcome. It is also striking how often electoral competition does little to stimulate the renovation or development of political parties.”…

Added: One more thing about erasing the US southern border--I forgot to mention Jared and Soros. They needed the US border erased to ensure an endless supply of non-English speaking cheap labor.


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