Monday, April 29, 2019

In hysterical screed, Mrs. Clinton would reduce need for voters and pesky elections, says all US voters should unite for single cause: economic genocide of millions of innocent Russians. Problem: US is a failed state, won’t put tanks on its own borders, has no credibility criticizing others-Worldwide Socialist Website…(Bill Clinton admin. began economic genocide of Russia in 1990s)

Mrs. Clinton presumes to advise a US that doesn’t exist. Thedemocracy, sovereignty, and security” she speaks of don’t exist in the US today. Even if Putin had the time and inclination, he couldn’t harm US institutions that have already been removed by the US political class. Without providing evidence of a reason for doing so (saying things like “everyone knows” isn’t evidence), she wants all Americans in the non-existent US to unite for one purpose, to effectively complete economic genocide of Russia. Living in a failed state without “democracy, sovereignty, and security,” Americans need to focus entirely on their immediate safety, have no time to lecture other countries. A failed state is “a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries.State failure manifests itself when a state can no longer deliver physical security.…The US Military either sees legal problems in defending us, doesn’t like doing it, and/or has “much bigger fish to fry than preventing foreign invaders from crossing the 2000 mile US southern border. The US military is concerned with everything except what is supposedly the US “Homeland.” Meaning US taxpayers are slaves. “For the last 70 years, the obsession of US strategists has not been to defend their people, but to maintain their military superiority over the rest of the world.” The US “homeland” has zero “security.” Bill Clinton admin. led “economic genocide” of fragile, newly independent Russia, in 1990s with especially catastrophic results for children and the elderly, laughed about “stuffing shit down Yeltsin’s throat.”US elites thought Russia was “ours to lose,” theirs for the taking.  

4/26/19, Hillary Clinton’s McCarthyite rant,” Worldwide Socialist Website, Joseph Kishore 

“The legacy of McCarthyism is now being revived by the campaign led by the Democratic Party and summed up in a hysterical screed published Wednesday [4/24] in the Washington Post by Hillary Clinton, the self-professed former “Goldwater girl,” under the headline, “Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. Here’s how to respond.” 

According to [Mrs.] Clinton, “Our election was corrupted, our democracy assaulted, our sovereignty and security violated. This is the definitive conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report.” The perpetrator again is Russia, which Clinton, citing the Mueller report, claims has carried out a “sweeping and systematic” attack on the United States. 

The Clinton narrative, which is the official line of the Democratic Party, is a monumental lie. Responsibility for Clinton’s defeat in the 2016 elections is attributed entirely to the operations of Russian bots and “Guccifer 2.0,” the persona of the individual who supposedly hacked Democratic Party emails. Her campaign, Clinton writes, was the “target of a Russian plot,” directed by President Vladimir Putin, who seeks to weaken our country.” 

And what did this new conspiracy so immense” actually involve? According to the Mueller report itself, organizations associated with Russia allegedly spent $100,000 on Facebook ads. This is 0.12 percent of the $81 million spent by the Democratic and Republican election campaigns themselves on Facebook ads, in a campaign dominated by the $5 billion spent by the billionaire backers of the two parties to buy the election. 

As for the release of Democratic Party emails, even if one accepts the unsubstantiated claim that it was Russian operatives who turned them over to WikiLeaks, what the emails revealed were true facts about the operations of Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)—facts that the electorate had every right to know. Among the documents released were Clinton’s speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks, for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. Other leaked emails exposed the corrupt efforts of the DNC to rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders. 

Clinton lost in the 2016 elections because the Democratic Party, in line with the class interests it represents, made a calculated decision not to raise any social issues or make any appeal to the working class in its campaign against Trump. Do Clinton and company really expect the public to believe that Facebook ads put out by Russian agents were behind the collapse in voter turnout in working-class areas of Michigan, Wisconsin and other states? 

The victory of the billionaire demagogue Trump was the result of widespread disillusionment with the Democratic Party after eight years of the Obama administration, which broke every campaign promise and exposed as lies the empty prattle about “hope” and “change.” Obama focused his energies on bailing out Wall Street and shoring up the wealth of the corporate and financial elite. 

In her column, Clinton goes on to call for an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Republicans. The situation calls for “clear-eyed patriotism, not reflexive partisanship,” she writes. She urges Republicans to work with Democrats in an intensified campaign against Russia—with or without the Trump administration. She writes: “It’s up to members of both parties to see where that road map [provided by the Mueller report] leadsto the eventual filing of articles of impeachment, or not. Either way, the nation’s interests will be best served by putting party and political considerations aside and being deliberate, fair and fearless.” 

Clinton wants a bipartisan foreign policy that is “fearless” in its aggression against not only Russia, but also China. “Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well,” she warns. Unless Trump is “held accountable, the president will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda [which is what?], including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.” 

Changing what needs to be changed, such words could have been penned by Robert Welch [John Birch Society] himself. Confronting a fascistic president, the Democrats have managed to frame their entire opposition around a right-wing narrative. If the Democrats had their way and Trump were removed—to be replaced, don’t forget, by the ultra-right Vice President Mike Pence—it is almost certain that the immediate consequence would be war with nuclear-armed Russia. 

Inextricably connected to the conflicts over foreign policy is the escalation of the attack on democratic rights within the United States. Reprising the ravings of Dies, social discontent is attributed to the nefarious efforts of Russia to “sow discord” within the United States. 

Significantly, Clinton cites as a model the actions of the ruling class after the September 11, 2001 attacks, when “Congress established an independent, bipartisan commission to recommend steps that would help guard against future attacks.” She concludes, “We need a similar commission to help protect our elections.” 

The September 11 attacks—a terrorist atrocity that killed nearly 3,000 people—were followed by the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Department, the Northern Command, domestic spying, Guantanamo Bay, the institution of torture and drone assassinations as government policy, and other crimes. The campaign of the Democrats over the Russian “attack”—a lie fashioned from whole cloth—has been accompanied by far-reaching moves to censor the internet under the guise of combating “fake news.” 

The Democrats’ warmongering and attack on democratic rights come together in the persecution of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, whose enduring contribution to the population of the world was the exposure of the crimes of American imperialism. For this, Assange is currently imprisoned in Britain, facing imminent rendition to the United States. The courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning is in jail for refusing to testify against him. 

Such is Clinton’s defense of “our democracy.” 

All of this further demonstrates that in the conflict between Trump and the Democratic Party there is no progressive or democratic faction. The anti-Russia narrative has not been challenged by any section of the Democratic Party, including Bernie Sanders, who is again seeking to cover up this warmongering party with a thin veneer of social reforms that it has no intention of implementing. 

The conflict between the Democrats and the Trump administration is a conflict between two reactionary factions of the ruling class. All those political organizations and groups that are seeking to direct social opposition behind the Democratic Party are playing the most criminal role. They are no less terrified than Trump and the Democrats of the development of a genuine socialist movement of the working class, which will oppose American capitalism and its wars…. 

In the days of the Cold War, the narrative of the arch-reactionaries and anticommunists revolved around a conspiracy theory according to which the United States had been infiltrated at the highest levels by agents of the Soviet Union. 

In the early 1950s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy led the anti-Soviet campaign, alleging that Russian spies occupied top positions in the government, in universities, in Hollywood and even in the military. According to McCarthy, “a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man” implicated not only the Soviet Union but was also responsible for the “loss of China” in the 1949 Chinese Revolution. 

The “Red Menace” was the pretext for attacking and delegitimizing all manifestations of social and political opposition, including the Civil Rights movement, as the work of “outside agitators” who received their orders from Moscow. It was Martin Dies, the Democratic congressman from Texas and initiator of the witch-hunting House Un-American Activities Committee, who declared in his 1940 book The Trojan Horse in America that Moscow had “envisioned an unusual opportunity to create racial hatred between the white and Negro citizens of the United States.” 

In the late 1950s, after the heyday of McCarthy, the political thread was taken up by the John Birch Society, founded in 1958 by Massachusetts businessman Robert Welch, who notoriously declared that President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.” 

In 1964, Welch backed the ultra-right Republican candidate Barry Goldwater, whose failed presidential campaign”… 

[Ed. note: Re: "Failing" in 1964: Everyone was going to "fail" in 1964 except LBJ 

with beloved JFK’s Nov. 1963 assassination fresh in voters' minds. JFK's VP LBJ was sworn in as US president in Dallas, a blood-spattered Jackie Kennedy beside him. Further, sore loser GOP E didn't want Goldwater, so Nelson Rockefeller "criss-crossed the nation" in 1964 warning people of the danger of "extremists" like Barry Goldwater. GOP E exists only to run interference for democrats, has exactly the same open borders, endless war agenda as democrats.] 

(continuing): “was heavily influenced by John Stormer’s book None Dare Call It Treason. “Will America continue to aid the communist enemy,” Stormer asked, “to disarm in the face of danger, to bow before communist dictators in every corner of the earth? The decision is yours.” 

Nothing is dead in politics.”…

4 among comments


“The neoliberal capitalist torch is being passed from Obama to H. Clinton to Biden. Biden’s family financial interest in Ukraine will fuel his McCarthyite Russophobia and pose a danger to the entire planet.”


“For more than two years the intelligence agencies deployed the mainstream media news to conduct their nonstop security state “infighting.” The centerpiece of this infighting was over foreign policy, and how to ensure that the military/security state would continue its aggressive militarist agenda towards Russia and China. 

After the 2016 election, the intelligence agencies concluded that fabricating reasons behind Trump’s astounding election victory would be the way to attack Trump. That was the genesis of Russia-gate–it would be a way to propagandize against Russia and also question the legitimacy of Trump’s Presidency, but more importantly Trump’s foreign policy. In other words, building anti-Russian sentiment was the centerpiece of the security state’s campaign against Trump. 

Unfortunately, this fabricated bubble burst badly when Mueller’s two year investigation could not conclusively say that Trump colluded with Putin to win the 2016 election. 

However, the military/security/surveillance/corporate/state never gives up and they intend to keep using the Democratic party and its leadership to ensure that nothing threatens their imperialist agenda or the status quo— enter Joe Biden. If you didn’t like Hillary in 2016, perhaps you’ll like “Uncle Joe” in 2020.

The corporate mainstream media news will do its best to push the candidacy of Biden with the message that only he can beat Trump in 2020. 

The two year campaign by the intelligence agencies against Trump will be continued by pushing Hillary’s shape-shifter Joe Biden. This is how the “security surveillance state” will respond to the former “Goldwater Girl’s” statement that Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. 

The ruling class is determined to sustain the status quo and even a pseudo socialist like Bernie Sanders is too threatening for the military/corporate state–they’re not interested in giving any concessions to the working-class. Nothing will be allowed to compromise the surveillance state’s power, money, and hegemony. The survival of the ruling class is the only thing that’s considered significant, even if that survival results in planetary ecocide.”


“Hillary is a delusional psychotic and needs to be locked in psychiatric hospital to snap out of it. 

In 2017 a book was published by NYT journalists (as I euphemistically call them) about Hillary campaign and defeat after Russia-gate allegation by CIA were made public in January 2017 and believed by MSM like divine truth.

In the book journalists reported massive and desperate calls from Midwest states campaign managers asking Hillary to heavily campaign there in September/October 2016 as they knew that they were in big trouble. 

Hillary ignored them all and trusted 100 million dollar FB acquired massive electoral/personal data based supercomputer simulations of electoral patterns that assured Clinton 90%+ chance to win presidency. 

Desperate managers called Bill behind Hillary back and explained the data they based their worry, simply about Hillary unpopular in Midwest agenda and none of them mentioned any foreign or otherwise coordinated attack or clandestine manipulation of social media against Hillary but simple quite lame attacks of Trump’s regular campaign.”…


“Excellent article. Clinton makes my skin crawl. This neo-McCarthyist spew of filth from a virulent warmonger who got a good laugh out of the destruction of Libya and the murder of Ghaddafi is disgusting. It goes along with the barbarity of the Saudi regime that gave so much money to the Clinton Foundation. Bloodthirsty all together.”

Added: “The Russian interference narrative is a salvo on voter free agency.” Voters are already ignored in the US, but in 2019 100% of those with access to microphones insist-with zero proof-that “we all know now” that Putin caused voters to elect Trump. They know that if you repeat a lie often enough...This is effectively genocide of US democracy. It’s being done by those in power to permanently silence the powerless: 

“The Russian interference narrative is a salvo on voter free agency. It is apparently going to be used within any democracy that begins to refuse to advance Neoliberal-Neoconservative agendas. Its implication is that not voting for those agendas implies a fundamental lack of agency (due to an outside controller). 

A direct parallel to this tactic was when the communists would lock up their opponents in mental institutions. 

In the future, look for them to build on the foundation that they have laid in the past couple of years.” commenter, 4/28/19, Did the Russians Really Interfere in Our Elections?” Boyd D. Cathey

Added: “Failed State,” two sources:

If a nation cannot defend its border, it ceases to exist in any meaningful way….We give up certain freedoms in order to secure others. But if that transaction no longer works…it ceases to have power over us.“…”Return of the city-state. Nation-states came late to history, and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest they won’t make it to the end of the century,”, Jamie Bartlett, 9/5/2017


Failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries.State failure manifests itself when a state can no longer deliver physical security.Failed states are known to be hospitable to and to harbour dangerous nonstate actors such as…groups that commit terrorist acts.”“Failed State,”, by Naazneen H. Barma (Biography: Assistant Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. Director, Bridging the Gap Project. She contributed an article on “Failed State” to SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Governance (2007)) 

The US Military either sees legal problems in defending us, doesn’t like doing it, and/or has “much bigger fish to fry than preventing foreign invaders from crossing the 2000 mile US southern border. Obviously, it should no longer receive US taxpayer funding. The US military is concerned with everyone and everything except what is supposedly the US “Homeland.Forcing US taxpayers to fund a military that can’t or won’t protect them is slavery. 

11/5/18, The Pentagon is resisting Trump’s most controversial military requests for the border,”, Alex Ward 

“The military won’t do everything Trump wants them to.”
“Resistance to President Donald Trump’s strong-handed military proposals to counter a caravan of immigrants headed toward the US-Mexico border is coming from a surprising place: the Pentagon. 

“According to official documents obtained by the Washington Post, troops are allowed to use deadly force to protect “all persons, foreign or domestic, who are faced with imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm, and where lesser means have failed or cannot be reasonably employed.” 

It’s so striking that Trump continues to say the military will take actions it likely won’t…. 

[Timothy] Dunn [of Salisbury University] said it’s also possible the Pentagon just doesn’t want to involve itself too much in a mission it may not care for. 

Comment: All homeless foreigners from violent cultures who take one step onto US soil receive immediate gifts of all expenses paid lives via US taxpayers. The US military is happy to use heavy weapons to defend borders all over the world but has no interest in providing the same service to the US Homeland. “Deadly force” wouldn’t be needed and wouldn’t be an issue if the US simply had very high, thick walls. But the US doesn’t exist to the US political class and its donors. They’re adamant on open borders for the constant pool of essentially slave-wage, non-English speaking workers they provide. As the US political class engineers the merger of Latin America with the former US, effectively genocide of the US, overwhelmed local and state governments require more money to take care of the flood of homeless people from violent cultures. Financially stressed public schools encounter new expenses that can only be met by diverting funds carefully budgeted for the needs of children already here.


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