Tuesday, March 5, 2019

In past 5 months 260,000 foreign homeless “asylum seekers” became permanent wards of defenseless US taxpayers. Border Patrol can’t stop drugs because they’re diverted to caring for border crossers-NPR, 3/5/19…(Billions more could claim “asylum” but Trump won’t do the one job we elected him to do, which is to stop genocide of the US. He just gives excuses)

3/5/19, “Migrant Families Arrive In Busloads As Border Crossings Hit 10-Year High,” NPR, Joel Rose, John Burnett 

“Between October [2018] and last week [end of Feb. 2019], Border Patrol agents have picked up more than 260,000 people — a 90 percent jump over the same period a year ago…. 

The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended more than 66,000 migrants at the Southern border in February [2019], the highest total for a single month in almost a decade. 

The majority of those arrested were migrant families or children traveling alone or without a parent, according to figures released Tuesday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection…. 

The makeup of the migrant population has changed dramatically from 20 years ago, when it was mostly single men from Mexico. Border Patrol officials say their infrastructure wasn’t designed for the flood of migrant families and children arriving now. 

“The agents are being assigned to areas that are not border security related,” Padilla said, like providing food and medical care for the families and children in their custody. 

Since last year, Border Patrol agents say, they have routinely encountered large groups of a hundred or more migrants at the border, many of them arriving by bus from Guatemala.

According to immigration authorities, the passengers consist almost entirely of families and children who are looking for Border Patrol agents to turn themselves in to. Agents say they’ve encountered 70 large groups since last year. 

That leaves agents scrambling to transport and process the migrants, Padilla said, and allows drug traffickers to take advantage of the distraction…. 

They’re not trying to evade the Border Patrol, Padilla said. In fact, these asylum-seekers are trying to turn themselves in as soon as they set foot on U.S. soil…. 

Humanitarian groups and immigration authorities are bracing for even more migrants in the months ahead. The number of people crossing the border illegally typically crests in the spring, as temperatures warm.”

Comment: Americans are being forced to pay for their own genocide. US taxpayer funded Border Patrol can’t do the job US taxpayers pay them to do because it’s forced to a different job, ensuring that illegals and their families are comfortable, receive food and medical care. Since Trump has proved he won’t do the one job we elected him to do, which is to stop genocide of Americans, just gives excuses, he and Jared should resign. It makes no difference if the invasion is for alleged asylum. Under present conditions, billions of “asylum seekers” could easily be allowed to cross. Trump would just keep making excuses. We're well aware that not a single politician would stop the genocide. The point is, Trump was elected for this one issue. He wasn't elected because everyone loved him or loved the rallies. The rallies succeeded only because we thought he'd close the border. If Candidate Trump had said even once that The Wall would require congressional approval or funding, Hillary would be president today.


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