Monday, February 11, 2019

Americans noticed that globalism subordinated their concerns and status to those of unelected elites and relegated them to bit players in their own country-Rush Limbaugh, 2/11/19

“This is a country founded for the citizens. This is a country founded limiting government’s role over the citizen...The American citizen was the engine that made this country work, and the American citizen was the focus of policy, the focus of education all for the betterment of the American citizen. That ceased to exist at least decades ago….Elites grew more powerful and more influential and more distant from the people, the citizens. And then they began to acquire even more and more disdain and contempt...for the citizens of this country….people began to feel like there was no difference in the two parties.”

2/11/19, “Washington Shocked! Trump Approval at 52%,” Rush Limbaugh

“As each day occurs, the Never Trumpers, the Democrats, the leftists–all of these people who are arrayed against Trump–are faced with the reality that they have failed in something that they’ve never really failed at.

If they target somebody to be destroyed, they can make it happen. If they target somebody to be ruined, they can make it happen. They’ve gotta be at their wits’ end over this. A, losing their positions of clout, their positions in this global order that they have spent decades building and establishing and finding spots for themselves in. So this is why, my friends, the policies and the personality and the existence of Donald Trump is called “white privilege” or “white supremacism.”…

That’s not at all what Donald Trump is about. Race and what Donald Trump is doing do not intersect….Trump…wants to take America back…not to the fifties…of Ward and June Cleaver. But to take it back to a time when the American citizen mattered first! The American citizen was the engine that made this country work, and the American citizen was the focus of policy, the focus of education all for the betterment of the American citizen. That ceased to exist at least decades ago.

Now with Trump at 52% approval and after the State of the Union address and after the government shutdown and after two years of steady defamation, slander, you name it… It’s so good, the Daily Mail, the U.K. Daily Mail has headlined with a story: “Trump’s Approval Rating Among Likely Voters Soars to His Best in 23 Months at 52% After State of the Union Address as Border-Wall Shutdown Talks Intensify — Rasmussen Reports poll as Trump at 52% approval, his best showing in 23 months… Significant up-swing since government-shutdown low of 43%.”

This is a nine-point gain since the shutdown!…

Trump just keeps beating them, folks. He just keeps outsmarting them. He just keeps plowing right through them. And can I tell you why? It’s a very simple explanation for why. And it all goes back, I think, to the era of time right after World War II. You heard McCain once when criticizing Trump ask, “Why would anybody want to upset and blow up this New World Order that we created and run following World War II?”

And he was referencing the establishment of NATO and the Marshall Plan, rebuilding Europe after defeating Germany, making sure the Germans never even have a military again in case they once again experience a rise of Nazism, never again would they be allowed to have a military to exploit it. And the United States set itself up as the general leader of this New World Order with the primary enemy being the Soviet Union and began the Cold War, and that became a new existence.

All of that–I’m really abbreviating time here–all of that led to what then became globalism. Now, what is the primary feature of globalism?...It’s not that everybody orients itself to a global type existence with nations of one point of view all unifying and having a global identity….

And, by the way, the intentions there may have been honorable. I’m not even gonna comment on that because the real point here and what has enabled Donald Trump to continually run circles around these people is that in order for this global order to be created, there’s something that had to be forgotten or ignored or relegated to a sphere of irrelevance. And that is the American citizen.

We used to have a country even during World War II and prior to that where the focus of everything was the American citizen, the American citizen’s way of life, the American citizen’s opportunity for prosperity, education, you can call it American exceptionalism, American greatness or whatever it was, but it was traceable directly to our founding. This is a country founded for the citizens. This is a country founded limiting government’s role over the citizen. The citizen was the focus, the person, the American individual was the focus.

That was abandoned. And the American citizen, the American individual took second place or even sometimes third place to the new objectives that were found in globalism. And then that went on for 30 or 40 years. And the roll of the citizen in determining what America was became less and less and less, despite citizens voting in elections, what they expressed during elections mattered because candidates campaigned ostensibly caring about the citizens and what they wanted and promising to implement those things if elected. We all know what happens.  

They get elected based on the campaign so they get to Washington and we don’t see much evidence of that upon which they campaigned.

Now, this was a slow process, but it was steady, and it resulted in the citizen becoming less and less of a factor in the say-so of his own country, be it foreign policy, be it domestic policy, be it what have you. And the betterment of the citizen, the overall life of the citizen, that’s what made this country great.

It was slowly, not so much abandoned, but relegated to secondary status as the elites slowly but surely began to realize or think that they knew much better than the citizens because they knew more.

Anyway, this slow erosion of the role of the citizen in what kind of country we are, the citizens knew it–either consciously or very much aware of it, depending on how involved they were — and this erosion continued. And things that didn’t seem to be of any real benefit to the American citizen continued to happen….

It then created a brand-new threat by establishing the Soviet Union as the alter-ego enemy and the establishment of the Cold War. Well over time, the elites grew more powerful and more influential and more distant from the people, the citizens. And then they began to acquire even more and more disdain and contempt, if you will, for the citizens of this country on the basis that they can’t possibly know what’s good for them.

It’s classic liberalism rearing its head and slowly taking over the governing structure of the country–not just elected officials, but people in the bureaucracies, career appointees and so forth — to the point that both political parties provided essentially lip service to the importance of citizens and how much they were cared about, how much policy was created and implemented for the benefit of citizens, the people who live here. And it just continued to erode. And people began to feel like there was no difference in the two parties….

Jumping forward a couple-three decades, here comes Donald Trump, and what’s Donald Trump? Donald Trump’s got the slogan “Make America Great Again,” and all it means is repurposing the United States in service of America and in service of American citizens, putting them first.

This has now been called “white nationalism” by the people who are deathly afraid of what Trump wants to do here, because Trump wants to destroy globalism. I don’t know whether he’s instinctively doing this or if he’s strategically doing it. If he knows that he’s… Trump is not an ideological guy, but he loves America. He knows what made America great. He knows how America was founded and formed, and he knows what’s necessary to bring America back to what it was and what it can be — and so, he’s doing it. He’s plowing ahead and he’s ignoring all these critics.

People are criticizing him and his family, trying to destroy him, investigate him, ruin him. He just keeps plowing ahead, and he’s outsmarting them (either instinctively or strategically) every day.

 And they can’t come to grips with this because in their minds they’re the smartest people in the room and in the world, and they are the most informed and they’re the most qualified and they are the only ones who have the full awareness and knowledge of all going on in the world and what America’s purpose in the world should be, what America’s role should be.

And, of course, that lookthat view–subordinates the concerns and the status of the American citizen. The American citizen thus becomes a bit player in the role of his or her own country. Trump said, “Enough of this,” and is in the process now of reversing that entire worldview. That’s why… To be very brief about it, that’s why there is so much irrational rage and angst and anger. A, that these people have been outmaneuvered. B, that they have been outsmarted. C, by this guy! The orange-headed ogre. They can’t come to grips.

Now we’ve got Trump at 52% approval! After a government shutdown. After 2-1/2 years of the intelligence communities of Barack Obama — the FBI, the DOJ — literally trying to ruin Donald Trump using everything they know how to use. After 2-1/2 years of the media — the combined national media — with 90 to 92% negative, defamatory, slanderous coverage. Donald Trump is sitting there at 52%. I guarantee you, they’re gonna be at their wits’ end.”…

Rush Limbaugh “Related links”



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