Friday, January 25, 2019

Why wasn’t the Wall an emergency for two years with Republican majority? Granted, Republicans are more rabidly open borders than Democrats. Wall St. Journal promoted five word Constitutional Amendment: “There shall be open borders,” in 1984


Above, 1/25/2019, Procrastamom twitter via Ann Coulter twitter

Added:  7/3/1984-Wall St. Journal calls for open borders. (They don’t mention that their purpose is an endless flow of slave labor)

7/3/1984, “REVIEW and OUTLOOK (Editorial): In Praise of Huddled Masses," Wall St. Journal Editorial Board

“If Washington still wants to “do something” about immigration, we propose a five-word constitutional amendment: There shall be open borders."...


Comment: WSJ envisions a world of global citizens and no nation states, at least no US. How would a borderless place on a map collect income taxes with a constantly changing population? Who would decide who owes tax and how much they owe? A borderless place on a map has no basis for having a military, so the entire US military would be out of work. “US military” has become an oxymoron anyway since it's not allowed to protect US borders.


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