12/7/18, “The Deep State’s Original Purpose Was to Rein In Trump,” Rush Limbaugh
“There has never been and there never will be even a split-second moment of discussion on the part of these people of standing down, of maybe finding a way to work with Trump, of maybe realizing the American people spoke and we have to listen. Not a split second of recognition of any of that or acknowledgment of any of that or acceptance of any of that.”…"The Swamp is Still Sabotaging Trump,” Rush Limbaugh
CNN: The Frantic Scramble Before Mueller Got the Job – 12/7/18, Pamela Brown and Jeremy Herb
12/7/18, “The Deep State’s Original Purpose Was to Rein In Trump,“ Rush Limbaugh
Trump thinks he’s got the imprimatur of the attorney general, deputy
attorney general over at the Department of Justice, and he fired Comey,
and that gave us Mueller. Rosenstein appointing Mueller. And here we are….
much as people think they understand what’s going on here, I don’t
think most people have the capacity to understand just how much the
Washington establishment — whatever it encompasses — just
totally despises everything there is about Donald Trump including the
people that voted for him and people that work for him. It’s impossible to aptly describe the level of animosity and sheer hatred and fear that has dominated official Washington since election night 2016.
There has never been and there never will be even a split-second moment of discussion on the part of these people of standing down,
of maybe finding a way to work with Trump, of maybe realizing the
American people spoke and we have to listen. Not a split second of
recognition of any of that or acknowledgment of any of that or
acceptance of any of that. In fact, I think what we’re
learning here is that there was an attempt to derail the Trump campaign
long before anybody really… I mean, before the mainstream thought that
Trump had a chance of winning the nomination.
I think who he is and where he comes from has instilled — or did instill — a degree of panic in official Washington that you and I were unaware of and could only guess about. But with me, it isn’t a guess. I understand totally how Trump affects these people — or anybody like Trump, any outsider that would dare attempt what Trump has done and succeed at it. This is a different breed of cat, if you will….
That he’s a nincompoop, that he’s an idiot, dangerous, that
he’s unsuitable, that he’s nowhere near intellectually/emotionally
qualified, that he poses a great threat to everything these people have
devoted their lives to…. “Look, this guy is not fit. This guy
cannot serve! It’s too great a chance.” I have no doubt that all of that
and more was not just contemplated, but in fact happened and was acted
says, “It’s shocking that the FBI would open up an obstruction case for
the president exercising his authority under Article II.” No, it’s not.
Not if you know these people — and Rudy knows them, by the way. Rudy, at some point, might have thought he was one of them, and he may have been until all this. It’s not shocking at all that they’ve done anything that they’ve done. That’s the whole point! What they’ve done is far more than any of us realize….
had spied embedded in the Trump campaign. They were attempting to
entrap Trump on this phony collusion with Russia business….There were
six people that were implanted in the campaign, one of them Felix Sater,
who Trump had worked with in his international division building buildings around the world. What they wanted to do is they wanted to get these people embedded in a campaign.
they wanted these people to reach out and start making deals or talking
with Russians about the campaign so that they could then say, “Look! The Trump campaign is colluding with Russia!” They weren’t gonna wait for it to happen.”…
Added: “And make no mistake. They have not slacked off one bit in their energy and objective of destroying Donald Trump, his presidency, his family."
12/7/18, “The Swamp Is Still Sabotaging Trump,“ Rush Limbaugh
is dealing with ongoing sabotage each and every day. He’s dealing with
sabotage from within his own administration. He’s got people there
leaking like crazy, and they have since day one. You’ve
even got some of these people writing about it, writing stories and
columns in the Washington Post about how they’re there to make sure
Trump doesn’t take the country over the cliff. They’re warning us that
Trump is dangerous, and
then they’re assuring us that, “Don’t worry. We’ve got this. We’ve got a
handle on it. We’re making sure Trump cannot be Trump.”
So I don’t have a slight doubt at all that this CNN story is true, whatever its real purpose is. Maybe it’s to give them cover for not having actual evidence of collusion with Russia. But they’re not gonna need any evidence of Trump colluding with Russia to write a report. If they’ve already been able to convince 42% of the American people the Russians tampered with votes, with ballots, with voting machines, that Russians affected the outcome of the presidential race…
they got 42% of the American people believing that after 18 months of
steady media coverage, it won’t take much in a Mueller report to affirm
that even without any evidence, just a bunch of innuendo here, bunch of implications there. And
make no mistake. They have not slacked off one bit in their energy and
objective of destroying Donald Trump, his presidency, his family. It’s a grander scale of what’s attempted against Brett Kavanaugh. Except this one is being conducted by far more people than just the Democrat Party.”…
Comment: There was never the slightest chance the Establishment was
going to let Trump succeed yet he kept hiring them. Most horrifying was
his hiring Deep Stench Rod Rosenstein. Candidate Trump would’ve known
that trusting longtime Beltway insiders was suicidal. Maybe Trump
doesn’t care if he fails.
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