Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Contrary to hoped for narrative, MSNBC accidentally airs ground report from Tijuana showing vast majority of caravan is men. Instead of claiming they seek asylum, some of the men just say they want a better life and a job. Shows area where 500-600 men were in line waiting for food-MSNBC report, 11/26/18

11/26/18, Whoopsie – MSNBC Accidentally Airs Ground Report Showing Vast Majority of Caravan are Military Aged Males,” tcth, sundance

“You might remember the journalist delivering the ground report here. His name is Gadi Schwartz, and he was the guy who did the ground report outlining how the FBI completely botched the investigation of the New Mexico jihadist compound [Reminder Here]

MSNBC was constructing a very specific narrative about the make-up of the migrants who attempted to cross the U.S. border when they asked Gadi Schwartz to explain what he was seeing on the ground. The answer didn’t support the narrative [ie, mostly women and children].“…[11/26/18 MSNBC video]

“MSNBC reporter Gadi Schwartz, who is on the ground in Tijuana, Mexico, said Monday [11/26] that most of the caravan members he’s encountered are males.

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle asked Schwartz to characterize the group of migrants he’s encountered….“Give us the profile of who’s there mostly and what they’re looking for,” Ruhle added.”…

@:40, From Tijuana, MSNBC Reporter Schwartz: “This is the inner sanctum of the shelter. You’re going to see a lot of women and families here but the truth is, the majority of the people that are in this caravanif we can make our way all the way over there, we’ll show you the majority of them are men.@1:15 (Schwartz), “From what we’ve seen, the majority are actually men and some of these men have not articulated that need for asylum. Instead, they have talked about going to the United States for a better life and to find work.“…@1:30 (Schwartz), “This is where there’s a food bank that was set up, and you’ve got a long line of men. Earlier, we saw about 5-600 men standing in line waiting for food.”… (top image is screen shot from MSNBC video)



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