Friday, October 5, 2018

Now unsettled science says wind turbines increase temperatures. Two degree temperature increases have already been seen near wind farms in parts of Central US including North Texas, Harvard study finds-AP, 10/4/18…(Which elected politicians involved in diverting millions of taxpayer dollars to the wind industry will resign? Which unelected persons involved will be fired?)

Some parts of the central United States [such as North Texas] are already seeing nights that are up to 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) warmer because of nearby wind farms,” said study’s lead scientist from Harvard. “Advocates of wind power have been ignoring growing evidence of a downside.”

10/4/18, No free lunch for renewables: More wind power would warm US, AP, Seth Borenstein

“Ramping up wind power in America would also dial up the nation’s temperatures, a new study out of Harvard found.

While wind energy is widely celebrated as environmentally friendly, the researchers concluded that a dramatic, all-out expansion in the number of turbines could warm the country even more than climate change from burning coal and other fossil fuels, because of the way the spinning blades disturb the layers of warm and cold air in the atmosphere.

Some parts of the central United States are already seeing nights that are up to 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) warmer because of nearby wind farms, said study lead author Lee Miller, an environmental scientist at Harvard.

“Any big energy system has an environmental impact,” said Harvard engineering and physics professor David Keith, a study co-author. “There is no free lunch. You do wind on a scale big enough … it’ll change things.”

The researchers and other scientists stressed that climate change from greenhouse gas emissions is clearly a far bigger threat globally and over the long term than turbine-caused warming, which is temporary and stops when the blades aren’t turning….

It’s just that advocates of wind power have been ignoring growing evidence of a downside, he said.

Overall, the Harvard study, published Thursday [Oct. 4] in the journal Joule , found that in the unlikely event that the U.S. switched massively to wind to supply nearly all of its electricity, there would be so many turbines that on average the nation’s temperature would go up about 0.4 degrees (0.2 Celsius). Some central areas would see localized warming around 2.5 degrees (1.4 Celsius), though there would also be some cooling in places, such as the East Coast.

Right now, wind provides 6.3 percent of the nation’s electricity, according to the American Wind Energy Association.

The study, which looked at just the United States, said that the turbines would cause more warming in the short term this century than the carbon dioxide America spews into the atmosphere would.”…

[Ed. note: Communist China “spews” double the CO2 “into the atmosphere” that the US does: Communist China CO2 emissions lead the world, more than double US CO2: “Trends in Global CO2 Emissions, 2016 report, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Above chart, pg. 14. Description on pg. 13: In summary, the six largest emitting countries/regions in 2015 were: China (with 29% share in the global total), the United States (14%), the European Union (EU-28) (10%), India (7%), the Russian Federation (5%) and Japan (3.5%) (Figure 2.2)”]

(continuing): “The reason for this effect : Normally the air is more still at night, with cold air staying near the surface and warmer air resting a little higher. But turbines bring the warm air down and cool air up, making the ground a bit toastier. The effect is seen less during the day but is still there.

Still, the effect from turbines is different from human-caused climate change. It mostly consists of warming, it’s local, and it’s temporary. When the turbines are still because the air is calm, there’s no warming….

Past studies have observed a temporary nighttime warming of as much as 2 degrees (1.1 Celsius) in places with lots of wind turbines, such as North Texas. The Harvard study took observations and used computer simulation to project what a dramatic increase in turbines would look like for temperatures.

Other technologies considered environmentally friendly have their downsides, too. Nuclear energy has no carbon dioxide emissions, but there are concerns about waste, safety and cost. The ethanol boom has wiped out habitats, led farmers to plow over prairies, caused water pollution and raised food prices.

Wind advocates emphasized that the Harvard study doesn’t show turbines causing global warming, just local heating. [How is “just heating” different from “just warming”?]...

Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who wasn’t part of the research, said the study is sound.”…

Added: The entire $ 4 billion a day imaginary global warming industry is focused on US taxpayers and the publication of tiny fractions of degrees of temperatures each of which is said to be proof of mass murder by Americans. The US political class agrees Americans are bad and must pay reparations to the whole world in perpetuity. Thus billions of US tax dollars have been diverted to this alleged crime yearly for almost 3 decades. No politician has even suggested a penny less, even temporarily. The AP reporter says it’s not so bad, because, “When the turbines are still because the air is calm, there’s no warming.”As if that changes everything. Write it off to taxpayer funded decoration. The AP reporter also says the study “looked at just the United States.”


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