Friday, October 5, 2018

Georgia public school denies 5 year old girl was sexually assaulted in school’s unisex bathroom by a boy in her class who says he’s a girl. When mother complained to school, the school denied the molestation happened and filed a complaint against the 5 year old girl’s mother

10/4/18, Five-year-old girl’s mom claims her daughter was molested in school bathroom by a gender fluid student, sparking investigation and outrage at district’s gender neutral bathroom policy, Daily Mail 

“The Department of Education’s Civil Rights division is investigating after a five-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a boy in her class [in Decatur, Georgia] in November last year [2017].

A complaint filed by the girl’s mother alleges the child had gone to the bathroom, and the boy had been able to follow her because he identified as gender fluid and was, under school policy, allowed to be there.

The mother, Pascha Thomas, further alleges when she made a complaint to the school, she was told no action would be taken, and then child services was called on her.

When child services arrived at her door, a day after Christmas, Thomas says authorities told her the school had filed a report, but had named her as the responsible party.
‘How do you, in your right mind, do something like that to a parent,’ she said in a video filmed by conservative Christian group Alliance Defending Freedom [AFD].
Their child has been sexually assaulted, then you turn around and paint them as the villain.’
Thomas joined forces with AFD before filing her complaint. The organization are well known for their stance against allowing transgender and gender fluid people to choose what bathroom or change room they use.
A school district spokeswoman appeared to dismiss Thomas’ accusations and interpretation of the situation.
‘City Schools of Decatur is committed to supporting all students. We are aware of the unfounded allegations made by the Alliance Defending Freedom,’ she said.
‘We fully disagree with their characterization of the situation and are addressing it with the Office of Civil Rights. As this is a pending legal matter, we have no further comment at this time.’ “


10/3/18, “DeVos investigates whether school transgender bathroom policy led to sexual assault,” Politico, Caitlin Emma

The Trump administration is investigating whether a Georgia school district’s policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice led to the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl.

The investigation in Decatur, Ga....opened last month [Sept. 2018]….

The complaint alleges the girl was assaulted in the girl‘s bathroom at Oakhurst Elementary School by a student who identified as “gender fluid.” The complaint was filed in May [2018] with help from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian group that has filed many lawsuits challenging school district transgender bathroom policies nationwide.

The Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights said in a Sept. 14 letter that it would investigate the complaint, which means it will consider whether a student was assaulted because Decatur City School District allows transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.

Specifically, the agency’s civil rights office says it will investigate whether the district appropriately handled the report of the alleged sexual assault and whether the district’s bathroom policy contributed to the “creation of a hostile environment for the student and other girls.

Education Department spokesman Nate Bailey confirmed the investigation.

“We do not comment on pending investigations — but to be clear, the investigation focuses on the school’s response to a report of sexual assault and the examination of any and all factors that may have contributed to a hostile environment, he said in an email.

The mother of the girl in the complaint is identified as Pascha Thomas. The girl is identified as “N.T.” and the other child is not identified….

Courtney Burnett, a spokeswoman for the school district, said in an email, “City Schools of Decatur is committed to supporting all students. We are aware of the unfounded allegations made by the Alliance Defending Freedom. We fully disagree with their characterization of the situation and are addressing it with the Office of Civil Rights. As this is a pending legal matter, we have no further comment at this time.”

The Alliance Defending Freedom announced the Education Department’s involvement on Wednesday.

“This situation was both deeply tragic and avoidable,” said ADF Legal Counsel Christiana Holcomb in a statement

“Schools have a duty to protect the privacy and safety of all students and Decatur Schools clearly failed this young girl. The current approach that many schools are taking of passing these transgender bathroom policies isn’t working; they fail to provide basic privacy or ensure the safety of all students.””…

Comment: Advocates of unisex bathrooms never guaranteed they’d be safe-nor could they, nor could anyone. A guard must be stationed inside each unisex rest room. Salaries, benefits, and pensions for the guards to be paid by billionaire advocates of unisex bathrooms. Automatic withdrawal to be set up in advocates’ banks accounts. Very simple.


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