Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Chris Wallace surprised to find bias in Washington Post front page headline: No mention that shooter of Republican congressman Scalise was Bernie Sanders supporter-Rush Limbaugh

10/30/18, “Chris Wallace Surprised by Biased Headlines,” Rush Limbaugh

“On Fox News Sunday, “Chris Wallace contrasted front-page headlines from The Washington Post the day after Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at an Alexandria, VA … by a Bernie Sanders supporter with the Post’s headline following the capture of mail bomb mastermind and Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc. 

“Not surprisingly, the Post made sure to emphasize that Sayoc’s political views were mentioned in the headline while the” guy who shot up Scalise was not mentioned, politically, at all — and it’s Chris Wallace holding these two headlines up and pointing it out. “The Sayoc headline read

‘Bomb Suspect Outspoken Supporter of Trump.’
Wallace said that the headline really surprised him as he expected the [Washington Post] headline to read ‘Suspect Arrested.’

“A closer inspection of the article finds that it does not even mention that Sayoc was the bombing suspect until the fourth paragraph. Rather, the first three paragraphs read like a psychological profile of Sayoc, talking about his support for President Trump and all of the stickers on his van… On the other hand, the headline after the Scalise shooting read 

‘Congressman Shot in Va…’”…
It didn’t mention his support for Bernie Sanders.

“The front page article did not mention his support for [Bernie] Sanders but footnoted” like with an asterisk “that his social media posts were ‘highly critical of President Trump…’” So here’s Chris Wallace holding up the obvious evidence of media bias here that he said “surprised” him. Later on, “The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley remarked: ‘If you want to know why Trump won’t give up Twitter and social media, that is why. That headline is why,’” and it’s exactly right.

Folks, every day Donald Trump is the only Republican tweeting or informing people about the success of his policies….And if it weren’t for him, it wouldn’t be out there — other than us, of course, here in so-called alternative media.

But the point is, the Republican Party is not even touting the Trump administration’s agenda’s successes. Trump alone is doing it, and that’s why he’s not gonna give up the opportunity to do it, and I hope he never does. But when I realized this, that Trump is the only guy… Like today there are a couple of tweets from Trump tweeting the consumer confidence as being at a record high and relating it to how can peopling be voting Democrat when this kind of great economic news has been the news of the day for two years?…

You know, Republicans are running for election in 435 House seats, 35/36 Senate seats. Where is…? I know Ronna McDaniel is out there tweeting some things out now, but where is the party in general touting itself and its achievements? You don’t see it, other than from Donald Trump, and he’s not whining about that. He’s unabashed. He just tweets it out and gets it, and he tweets the truth out about the media as they report on him and lie or distort or what have you.”…image above from RushLimbaugh.com


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