Tuesday, October 2, 2018

All the money in the world is behind selling out defenseless Americans to an all powerful central government. Just ask Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, or Lisa Murkowski

10/1/18, Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Kavanaugh Nomination – Outlines Political Standard for Nomination Withdrawal,” tcth, sundance

“Senator Lindsey Graham discusses the current status of the Kavanaugh nomination with Fox News host Sean Hannity. Senator Graham says he feels confident that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Senator Mitch McConnell is confident there will be a vote by the end of the week.

However, Mr. Hannity ponders what happens if two of the GOPe votes withdraw. If 49 yea votes are forecast, Graham does the infamous triple-lindsey

Senator Graham outlines his advice to President Trump if two-of-three Senators (Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins) do not support the nomination at the end of the week. Graham would advise President Trump to pull the nomination and campaign in the 2018 mid-term election with Kavanaugh as the primary issue. Oddly enough, that’s the same goal held by the Democrat wing of the UniParty.”

Added: The US has only one functioning political party, the Democrat Party. Democrats are Democrats and Republicans are Democrats. All the money in the world is behind selling out the American people. Everyone knows it, sees us begging our elected officials for a crumb as if we’re caged animals:

Above, 10/1/18, A MODEST PROPOSAL: Maybe Republicans in Maine and Alaska might wish to replace “Republicans” Collins and Murkowski with, you know….Republicans.” from Ann Coulter twitter


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