Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What a surprise. US taxpayer funded Al Qaeda terrorists in Idlib are preventing families from fleeing final offensive to free Idlib from Al Qaeda control. Syria provided corridor for families but Al Qaeda blocks them, refugees want removal of Al Qaeda-Australian Broadcasting…(Trump wants US taxpayer funded Al Qaeda to remain in control of Idlib. Syria is completely justified in seizing a US town in return)

9/12/18, “Syrian rebels preventing refugees from leaving Idlib as Russian forces prepare final offensive,” Australian Broadcasting Company, Adam Harvey, Middle East correspondent in Bar Elias refugee camp, Lebanon 

“As Russian and Syrian forces prepare an offensive to take the last remaining rebel stronghold, some refugees from Idlib province say Syrian rebels [Al Qaeda terrorists] are stopping their families from fleeing the fighting.

“We were forced to exile from our homes and our country because of the terrorists of Jabhat Al Nusra [Al Qaeda] and Daesh [Islamic State],” one 53-year-old refugee, Ahmad, said.

He said he had been in Lebanon’s Bar Elias camp in the Bekaa Valley for five years. All the refugees in this part of the camp are from Idlib province, where Russian and Syrian forces are preparing an offensive against the last stronghold held by rebels….

“Right now there are no heavy bombardments as they are negotiating, they are meeting,” he said.

“But of course if the terrorists refuse to surrender, the Syrian Arab Army will advance and conquer Idlib. There is no other option and we back the Syrian Arab Army on that.”…

“The Syrian Arab Army has opened more than one corridor but the terrorists are not allowing anyone to leave because they are using them as human shields.””…

Among comments to above article at Free Republic


“This article from Australia demonstrates the absurdity of our [US] policy in Syria. Who is Nicky Haley to tell these people what to do in their sovereign county while the mccain backed rebels trap people from running. President Trump needs to live up to his promise and GET OUT OF SYRIA!! 

1 posted on 9/12/2018, 8:09:56 PM by raiderboy”

Added: 3 Syria maps follow:

1. Syria and surrounding countries, BBC map
2. Idlib and Northwestern Syria map from IRIN News, 9/3/18
3. Syria-Turkey border map via LA Times shows area where CIA and Pentagon “troops” were forced to shoot each other


Comment: Suggestion for Trump Executive Order: No US tax dollars can be used in any US military action outside the US until at least 5 years after the US southwest border is completely closed. 


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