Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Samantha Power, "refugee crisis" you now lament that has displaced populations on two continents was created by your murderous interventionist policy in Libya-via Ann Coulter twitter...(Ms. Power, US can't help anyone now because it's not a country. A place with no southern border isn't a country)


Above, 9/17/18, Ezra Levant twitter via Ann Coulter twitter


Added: US regime change in Libya cost $1 billion+ US taxpayer dollars 


Added: Slave markets in Libya after US "regime change:"

3/21/2018, "Executions, torture and slave markets persist in Libya: U.N.," Reuters


Added: Endless flood of refugees into Europe from Mid East and parts of Africa was caused by US interventionists like Samantha Power. We're still waiting for them to apologize for their depraved indifference to humanity:

9/7/2015, "How Neocons Destabilized Europe" by Robert Parry, consortiumnews.com
"The refugee chaos that is now pushing deep into Europe...started with the cavalier ambitions of American neocons and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks who planned to remake the Middle East and other parts of the world through “regime change.”

Instead of the promised wonders of “democracy promotion” and “human rights,” what these “anti-realists” have accomplished is to spread death, destruction and destabilization across the Middle East and parts of Africa and now into Ukraine and the heart of Europe. Yet, since these neocon forces still control the Official Narrative, their explanations get top billing – such as that there hasn’t been enough “regime change.”"...



"Another disastrous “regime change” that has spread chaos not only across the Middle East and North Africa but into Europe, where the entire European Union project, a major post-World War II accomplishment, is now in danger." ...

April 1, 2016, Cleaning Up Hillary’s Libya Mess,” Robert Parry, Consortium News


Added: Samantha Power needs to learn more about post 2011 Libya and Africa:

"Armed groups [in Libya] also hold migrants in an unknown number of unofficial camps...."That's where a lot of abuse is happening and we have very, very limited access.""...

2/28/2017, "Libya exposed as an epicentre for migrant child abuse," BBC,  

"Libya's continuing political turmoil makes it extraordinarily difficult to tackle a phenomenon, which the report says has spiralled out of control....

"Sexual violence was widespread and systemic at crossings and checkpoints," says the report.

Many of the assailants are in uniform. This is said to be just one reason why those who suffer abuse are reluctant to report their experiences.

And Libya, as the funnel through which so many journeys pass, has earned itself a shocking reputation as the epicentre of abuse.

"Approximately one third [of those interviewed] indicated they had been abused in Libya," the report says. "A large majority of these children did not answer when asked who had abused them."...

The report maps 34 known detention centres in Libya, three of them deep in the country's desert interior.

Most are run by the government's Department for Combating Illegal Migration. But Unicef says that armed groups also hold migrants in an unknown number of unofficial camps

"The detention centres run by militias, we're much more worried about," says Mr Forsyth. "That's where a lot of abuse is happening and we have very, very limited access."...

"It's a combination of factors," says Mr Forsyth. "The situation in places like Eritrea and northern Nigeria is very bad. Also in the Gambia recently."...

"Libya is a major transit hub for women being trafficked to Europe for sex," the report says." 


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