Monday, September 3, 2018

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t practice what she preaches. If she cared about women her foundation wouldn’t have taken millions from Saudis and Mid East countries where women are stoned to death today as they were in 1850s-The Editorial Board, Bowling Green (Ky) Daily News, 8/31/18

8/31/18, Clinton’s fear mongering is hypocritical,” Bowling Green Daily News (Ky), Editorial Board

“Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just can’t help herself from seeking the spotlight. 

The 2016 candidate, who was defeated by President Donald Trump, is a bitter and angry person. She still can’t get over the fact that Trump is our president and she is not. It started with her book, titled “What Happened.” What happened, Mrs. Clinton, is you were a weak candidate, ran a horrible campaign and you were defeated. There was also the matter of mishandling of classified material on a rinky-dink server.

The Clintons never take responsibility for anything. Never have, never will. Mrs. Clinton blamed everyone from the Russians to middle America and many others for her defeat. She never took responsibility for not campaigning enough in blue states that she took for granted – and that Trump later won. 

She never took responsibility for coming across as elitist, entitled, mean and as someone with whom millions of people simply couldn’t relate. 

The latest to come out of Clinton is her fearmongering comments about Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, who we believe will be a fine addition to the nation’s high court. On Sunday, Clinton took to Twitter to urge people to participate in nationwide protests organized by pro-choice and union groups to fight Kavanaugh’s confirmation. That’s fine for her to urge people to protest peacefully, but what came next out of her mouth is just pure fearmongering and race-baiting. 

In a speech at an American Federation of Teachers’ conference, Clinton said, “This nomination holds out the threat of devastating consequences for workers’ rights, civil rights, LGBT rights, women’s rights. It is a blatant attempt by this administration to shift the balance of the court for decades and to reverse decades of progress. You know, I used to worry that they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s, now I worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s.” 

These comments from a very bitter person are simply beyond the pale. To suggest that a nominee with an impeccable record like Kavanaugh is going to turn the clock back to the 1850s is code for “he’s a white racist man who doesn’t like black people, homosexuals or women.” 

It’s ironic that Clinton mentioned consequences for women. 

This is the same person whose foundation, the Clinton Foundation, took millions upon millions of dollars from countries such as Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries that don’t treat women as equals. These are countries that require women to wear burkas so not to reveal their faces, forbid them from appearing in public without a male relative and give less weight to women’s testimony than to their male counterparts. Saudia Arabia, one of the countries the Clinton Foundation took money from, allows stoning women to death for committing adultery. It is also interesting that Clinton brought up that Kavanaugh would set homosexual rights back to the 1850s. 

Her foundation took money from the same countries where homosexuals are also marginalized and persecuted for simply being gay. These are the words of a total hypocrite. She opposes a man of high integrity, using fearmongering tactics, but doesn’t practice what she preaches. Mrs. Clinton, you really need to finally come to terms that you lost the election to Trump, stop the fearmongering and realize you and your foundation took millions from people in countries who treat their own citizens like it is, in fact, the 1850s.”

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