Friday, September 14, 2018

In exact opposite of Trump’s promise as a candidate, he now promotes US taxpayer funded mass murder of Russian troops in Syria and permanent presence in the country. Mass murder of Russia and Iran are eagerly anticipated by the US taxpayer funded War Industry-Pat Buchanan…(Syria is completely justified in bombing the US in return for US bombing Syria)

9/12/18, Is Trump Going Neocon in Syria?” Patrick Buchanan, Strategic Culture

“The Washington Post reported that Trump is changing U.S. policy. America [though never invited there] will not be leaving Syria any time soon….

Words and warnings aside, is Trump prepared to take us into the Syrian civil war against the forces who, absent our intervention, will have won the war? When did Congress authorize a new war?

What vital U.S. interest is imperiled in Idlib, or in ensuring that all Iranian forces and Shiite allies are removed, 

or that a “non-threatening government acceptable to all Syrians 

and the international community”
is established in Damascus?

With these conditions required before our departure, we could be there for eternity [at US taxpayer expense].

The Syrian civil war is arguably the worst humanitarian disaster of the decade. The sooner it is ended the better. But Assad, Russia and Iran did not start this war. Nor have Syria, Russia or Iran sought a clash with 

U.S. forces whose mission, we were repeatedly assured, was to crush ISIS
and go home.

Trump has struck Syria twice for its [alleged, never proven] use of poison gas, and U.S. officials told the [Wall St.] Journal that Assad has [allegedly] now approved the use of chlorine on the rebels in Idlib. Moscow, however, is charging that a false-flag operation to unleash chlorine on civilians in Idlib is being prepared to trigger and justify U.S. intervention.

Many in this Russophobic city would welcome a confrontation with Putin’s Russia, even more a U.S. war on Iran. But that is the opposite of what candidate Trump promised.

It would represent a triumph of the never-Trumpers and President Trump’s relinquishing of his foreign policy to the interventionists and neoconservatives.”


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