Thursday, September 6, 2018

Glenn Greenwald: Massive irony of White House writer accusing Trump of being anti-democratic while boasting of membership in unelected cabal covertly imposing their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate, or transparency


Above, 9/5/18, Glenn Greenwald twitter (Second Greenwald tweet below).

Glenn Greenwald responds to White House writer lamenting perceived lack of alleged Republican ideology. Trump didn’t campaign or win votes selling a supposed Beltway GOP ideology: Trump deviates from GOP orthodoxy, an ideology he didn’t campaign on and that voters didn’t ratify.”

Above, 9/5/18, Glenn Greenwald twitter

“Glaring and massive irony” of NY Times writer: “S/he accuses Trump of being “anti-democratic” while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate, or transparency.”

Above, 9/5/18, Among responses to Glenn Greenwald twitter, War is a Racket

“Unelected McCain fanboys seeing themselves as the answer to this country’s problems.”

Above, 9/5/18, among responses to Glenn Greenwald twitter, KitKat

No one voted for these "adults" and their NEOCON agenda. They are not safeguarding Americans they are using Trump for cover to pass their draconian agenda.”


Comment: The anonymous White House writer exemplifies the hubris of the Unelected Establishment. The smirking writer also provides proof if needed that US elections should be cancelled because the US is a dictatorship. US taxpayers exist only as slaves to the Endless Unwinnable War Industry.

As to ideology if it exists: Republican voters determine Republican ideology. Perpetual losers don’t decide ideology. Republican voters said our ideology is that we no longer agree to finance global mass murder on behalf of the US political class.


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