Thursday, August 16, 2018

Slimy 2016 Republican Party Platform presumes to know what “the people of Russia” think. “The people of Russia” are well aware that GOP warlords are only interested in bombing their country and murdering their president

2016 Republican Platform, page 49: 

Subhead, Renewing the European Alliance, parag. 5 

“For the people of Russia, we affirm our respect and our determination to maintain a friendship beyond the reach of those who wish to divide us. We have common imperatives: Ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. We also have a common problem: The continuing erosion of personal liberty and fundamental rights under the current officials in the Kremlin. Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed [page 50] by force, in Ukraine, Georgia, or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate constitutional measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.”…

Comment: How ignorant and presumptuous. GOP says: “We” have a “common problem.”  Who is “we?” On what evidence does the Republican Party make the claim that “the people of Russia” consider the Putin government “a problem?” Why would they make such a hateful claim in a platform document? To begin with, everyone knows the Republican Party Establishment hasn’t the slightest interest in protecting the US southern border and therefore no interest in protecting the lives Republican voters, so why would the GOP imagine that people of another country, in this case, Russia, would believe the GOP would make their lives better? “The people of Russia” know the reverse is true since they were driven into poverty in the 1990s largely due to US influence. After the breakup of the Soviet Union US elites believed Russia was their personal property: 

“In the years following the end of the Soviet Union, the idea that Russia was “ours to lose” gained wide currency in American foreign policy circles.”...May 2018, The Cold War Culture War,” James Carden, American Affairs Journal 

Accordingly, in the 1990s, the usual suspects–US elites and various banking interests–proceeded to plunder the newly independent Russia and drive its middle class into poverty: 

U.S. elites, using tens of millions of US taxpayer dollars, plundered Russia, helped prevent democracy and economic reform, and destroyed its middle class: “The Harvard Boys Do Russia, The Nation, Janine R. Wedel, May 14, 1998. 

US also proudly meddled in Russia’s 1996 presidential election:

“Yanks to the Rescue,” Time, 7/15/1996…

As to Ukraine, US spent $5 billion US taxpayer dollars interfering in Ukraine over two decades until it won the the prize” by engineering violent “regime change” in Ukraine in 2014. US neocon Gershman labeled Ukraine the prize,” 9/26/2013 Washington Post 

In summary, the US sends its taxpayer funded military all over the world but refuses to place armed forces at its own southern border. Republican Establishment "concern" for other countries such as Russia is limited to when it will bomb them. Every American is enslaved to the Endless Unwinnable War Industry.
Added: US marines to Norway in Trump’s latest disgrace. Trump won’t build a wall or place military on southern US border but forces US taxpayers to pay for military in Norway. This is the exact opposite of why we elected Trump: 

8/15/18, US doubles number of marines stationed in Norway,” The Local 

“The marines, the first foreign troops stationed in Norway since World War Two, were originally expected to leave Norway at the end of this year, but the posting will now last for up to five years.”  

Related headlines: 2016, 2017, 2018:
Cold War Jitters Resurface as U.S. Marines Arrive in Norway

Jan 16, 2017 · United States Marines arriving on Monday in Norway, where their military exercises will involve learning to fight in Arctic temperatures. Credit Ned …

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