Friday, August 31, 2018

Per Bruce Ohr testimony, he informed six FBI and DOJ officials about his meetings with anti-Trump dossier operatives Steele and Simpson, met with Steele through May 2017, debriefed FBI at least 12 times about these post-election meetings. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, began working for Fusion GPS in late 2015-Daily Caller

Added: No Democrat committee members attended Bruce Ohr’s testimony: “Majority and minority staff on the two committees questioned Ohr on Tuesday, though no Democratic lawmakers made an appearance for the interview. Seven Republicans attended the sit-down.”…8/28/18, “House Republicans say Ohr interview escalates surveillance concerns,” The Hill, Olivia Beavers, Jacqueline Thomsen

Added: Robert Mueller’s office has never contacted Bruce Ohr or his wife: Aug. 29, 2018,DOJ official Bruce Ohr has yet to be contacted by special counsel Robert Mueller or U.S. Attorney John Huber for interviews.Fox Business News 

8/30/18, Here Is Who Bruce Ohr Did And Did Not Tell About His Dossier Contacts, Daily Caller, Chuck Ross 

“Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr told Congress earlier this week that he informed half a dozen FBI and Justice Department officials about his contacts with [anti-Trump] dossier author Christopher Steele and opposition researcher Glenn Simpson.

Sources familiar with Ohr’s testimony before the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Ohr informed Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page about his interactions with Steele and Simpson. He also informed Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann about his dossier-related work."...

[Added: Mr. Ohr also informed FBI agent Joe Pientka: “Fox News also reported that Ohr claimed to have met with…Joe Pientka, an FBI agent who reportedly interviewed former national security adviser Michael Flynn with Strzok….Ohr said at least one of these officials signed off on a FISA warrant application….Of the officials who have been identified in reports, McCabe was the only one known to have signed off one of them.”8/30/18, Washington Examiner] 

(continuing): "Weissmann is now serving as right-hand man to Robert Mueller at the special counsel’s office.

Ohr testified that he informed his [then] Justice Department peers, but not his superiors, about his contacts with Steele and Simpson. One of the superiors kept out of the loop was former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Ohr said he was demoted as assistant deputy attorney general in December because he failed to tell Yates and other top officials about his dossier interactions….

Ohr met and spoke with Steele numerous times through May 2017. Ohr debriefed the FBI at least 12 times following his post-election contacts with Steele….

Ohr’s wife was also a focus of Tuesday’s closed-door interview….Ohr testified that Fusion approached his wife for a job and that she began working for the research firm in late 2015. California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said Ohr testified that his wife was paid $44,000 by Fusion GPS. As TheDCNF has reported, Ohr did not disclose his wife’s Fusion income on his annual ethics disclosure form.

Perkins Coie, the law firm for the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, paid Fusion GPS more than $1 million for the Trump-Russia project. Fusion paid Steele nearly $170,000 for his work….

The special counsel’s office declined to comment on Weissmann’s links to Ohr.”


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