Monday, August 20, 2018

I hope Putin wins the war the US is about to launch against him. I can’t accept being enslaved to a US War Industry that forces me to finance interference in other countries and that nullifies US presidential elections, so I’ll take my chances with Putin

“Trump, as usual, is on the wrong side of the lies. And he seems to be too much of a coward to oppose them, in these cases, which are the most dangerous lies of all.This is how we could all end. Doing something heroic that would stop it, seems to be way beyond him — he doesn’t even try.” 

Comment: Since the US is determined to murder Putin and Putin seems like he doesn’t want to die, I hope Putin wins. At present I’m enslaved to a globalist US political class for whom the US no longer exists except as a place to bleed dry for cash. The US also expects me to be subservient to lying UK cronies and Euro trash. Sorry, I can’t accept this. I’ll take my chances with Putin. 

8/17/18, “The Anti-Empire Report #159,”, by William Blum 

“But we’re the Good Guys, ain’t we? 

For a defender of US foreign policy there’s very little that causes extreme heartburn more than someone implying a “moral equivalence”  between American behavior and that of Russia. That was the case during Cold War I and it’s the same now in Cold War II. It just drives them up the wall. 

After the United States passed a law last year requiring TV station RT (Russia Today) to register as a “foreign agent”, the Russians passed their own law allowing authorities to require foreign media to register as a “foreign agent”. Senator John McCain denounced the new Russian law, saying there is “no equivalence” between RT and networks such as Voice of America, CNN and the BBC whose journalists “seek the truth, debunk lies, and hold governments accountable.” By contrast, he said, “RT’s propagandists debunk the truth, spread lies, and seek to undermine democratic governments in order to further Vladimir Putin’s agenda.” 

And here is Tom Malinowski, former Assistant Secretary of State for democracy, human rights and labor (2014-2017)last year he reported that Putin had “charged that the U.S. government had interfered ‘aggressively’ in Russia’s 2012 presidential vote,” claiming that Washington had “gathered opposition forces and financed them.” Putin, wrote Malinowski, “apparently got President Trump to agree to a mutual commitment that neither country would interfere in the other’s elections.”

Is this moral equivalence fair? Malinowski asked and answered: “In short, no. Russia’s interference in the United States’ 2016 election could not have been more different from what the United States does to promote democracy in other countries.”
How do you satirize such officials and such high-school beliefs? 

We also have the case of the US government agency, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) [whose chief Gershman has begged for US taxpayer funded assassination of Putin, even after US elites have plundered Russia], which has interfered in more elections than the CIA or God. Indeed, the man who helped draft the legislation establishing NED, Allen Weinstein, declared in 1991:

“A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” On April 12, 2018 the presidents of two of NED’s wings wrote: “A specious narrative has come back into circulation: that Moscow’s campaign of political warfare is no different from US [taxpayer] supported democracy assistance.”

Democracy assistance,” you see, is what they call NED’s election “interferences and government-overthrows.” The authors continue:
“This narrative is churned out by propaganda outlets such as RT and Sputnik [radio station]. … it is deployed by isolationists who propound a U.S. retreat from global leadership.”
“Isolationists” is what conservatives call critics of US foreign policy whose arguments they can’t easily dismiss, so they imply that such people just don’t want the US to be involved in anything abroad.
And “global leadership” is what they call being first in election-interferences and government-overthrows."

8/17/18, All Sanctions Against Russia Are Based on Lies, Strategic Culture, Eric Zuesse 


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