Monday, July 23, 2018

They call themselves the "intelligence community:" "Community! Jesus, you guys are kind to yourselves. Community!" responds Robert Redford character to his CIA boss in 1975 film about CIA lawlessness, Three Days of the Condor

Scene from Three Days of the Condor,

"Three Days of the Condor," 1975, Directed by Sydney Pollack

 "Higgins: It'd have to be somebody in the community.  

Joe Turner: Community.

Higgins: Intelligence field.

Joe Turner: Community! Jesus, you guys are kind to yourselves. Community." 


Added: Even in 1975 there was "growing public concern with accountability and control of secret government activities:" 

"The third article in the CIA’s documents on Three Days of the Condor is review of the film in the Wall Street Journal some months after the pair of articles about [former CIA Director] Helms’ visit to the set. This in-depth review is very positive and dwells on the political dimensions of the movie:

"But besides a realistic atmosphere and a credible hero, this thriller absorbs us on a more immediate level. By making the source of its menace a renegade operation within the CIA “Three Days of the Condor” very much addresses itself both to the headlines we’ve been reading and to growing public concern with accountability and control of secret government activities."...

"The CIA and Three Days of the Condor,"
[Blog editor's note: I looked for link to 1975 WSJ review noted above but so far haven't found one].

6/20/2014, "On the “intelligence community,”"

"In the movie, Three Days of the Condor," Mr. Higgins (Cliff Robertson), tells Joe Turner (Robert Redford) that someone within "the community" must be behind the killings that have Turner on the run. Turner repeats Higgins' phrase back to him, saying "community" with disdain. Higgins clarifies, saying "intelligence field," and Turner says "Community! Jesus, you guys are kind to yourselves. Community!" The CIA's colonization of America's consciousness has progressed so well that the words "intelligence community" ha[ve] taken on a normal soft and natural feel....

The "intelligence community" has overcome post-Viet Nam war hostility at American campuses, and flooded struggling universities with money and perks in exchange for installing security state programs and recruiting bases. Some agencies are pushing to get young people involved at even younger ages, in middle school and high school."...  


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