6/06/18, "Trump Has Disrupted the GOP as We’ve Always Known It," Rush Limbaugh
"You know, yesterday I made mention of the fact — and a lot of other
people are noticing, too — that the Republican Congress seems to be in
standing-by mode. They’re just standing around watching a lot of this....
They’re bit players. Do you remember me one time warning you,
reminding you that legislation is actually not written on Capitol Hill,
that it’s written on K Street? If you want to know who the real foundation of the Washington Establishment that we talk about is — the
ruling class — it’s the lobbyists. It is K Street, the network of people
of great wealth and influence who are the ones who actually make things
happen and make sure certain things don’t happen.
They’re not elected. But K Street and lobbying is how people of
moderate means come to Washington, get elected, and end up leaving very
wealthy or leave for jobs later where they will get very wealthy. They
write most of the legislation, and it is them that members of Congress and the Senate answer to — the Chamber of Commerce is an example —
rather than voters." image from RushLimbaugh.com
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