Friday, June 29, 2018

Harvard is essential part of Military Industrial Complex and works with US intel agencies to surveil innocent Americans. Most problems in the world can be traced back to "experts" at Harvard which is a $40 billion Wall St. hedge fund with "university" facade- Shiva Ayyadurai, independent candidate for US Senate from Massachusetts, Taunton Daily Gazette op-ed

6/27/18, "Opinion: It’s time to take back Harvard," Taunton [Mass.] Daily Gazette, bShiva Ayyadurai holds four degrees from MIT, including a Ph.D, and is running for US Senate as an Independent.")

"Harvard University exemplifies everything that is wrong with the American educational system, and represents the epicenter of a self-serving centralized power structure. My opponent in the race for the U.S. Senate, Elizabeth Warren, is a creature of that structure.

Elizabeth Warren got paid $350,000 per year for teaching just one course, in law, which doesn’t really require any skill or intellect. 

What is outrageous is that Harvard receives close to $1 billion in grants and even more in tax subsidies, taken from you --- the hardworking American.

Real Indians, be it the Iroquois or those of ancient India, held sacred a time-honored principle: separation of powers. In ancient India, the political, financial, knowledge keeper, and producer institutions were kept separate to prevent “insider trading.”

However, today, the same people who control education at Harvard also dominate Wall Street, write the nation’s laws, and operate global behemoths like Monsanto. They are a singular cohesive community who funnel vast sums of money to themselves, draft self-serving policies, control judicial appointments, own the media, grant taxpayer monies to non-profits, while creating monopolies from tax cuts, bailouts and venture funding.

They do all this and work with intelligence agencies that illegally surveillance innocent Americans. To add insult to injury, Harvard faculty generate propaganda -- academic, “peer-reviewed” papers --- that claim their method of running the world is the best, while trampling our political and free speech rights.

In short, Harvard is the alpha and omega of the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex -- the “Deep State, a term we often hear these days. Almost every problem in the world -- be it corruption, an economic crash, mass poverty, or a civil strife -- can be traced back to “experts” at Harvard.

Meanwhile, Harvard faculty preach, with a neo-messianic attitude, that they are the saviors of the poor and oppressed. They purport to know the plight of African-Americans by supporting affirmative action, but their faculty roster, especially Warren’s Harvard Law School, reflects apartheid within. Harvard professors, who write our laws, want to tax us, but Harvard is tax-exempt.

Harvard professors rant against Wall Street and the power of big banks, but Harvard is a $40 billion Wall Street hedge fund with a “university” facade, which uses a relatively meager $2 billion to fund its educational activities. Harvard professors lament against gentrification, but Harvard has invaded and destroyed the diverse local Cambridge neighborhood taking over prime real estate from the poor. Its greed has no bounds, even spanning continents to displace black farmers in Africa and grabbing their lands.

Devastation, racism and segregation are what Harvard delivers, best reflected in a recent report that calculates the average net worth of blacks in the Boston area, a few miles from Elizabeth Warren’s home in Cambridge, to be a mere $8! The reason has been attributed to “systemic racism,” but Harvard is the system that manufactures the racism and economic segregation, to which it is colorblind, when one considers the deplorable situation of poor whites. 

I believe Harvard needs to be investigated for racketeering. It must be punished for its crime, starting in its own backyard -- the racism in its faculty composition. Any corporation that wields as much power as Harvard, would have been busted up a long time ago.

Neither Republican nor Democrat, however, will ever bite the Harvard hand. Harvard nurtures its own, Democrat and Republican “leaders” -- one tribe with two faces that switch with grace and ease. Elizabeth Warren, a lifelong Republican, became a Democrat, upon moving to Cambridge and joining Harvard in 1995.

As an Independent senator, I will serve you and take on Harvard without pressure from any party’s establishment. Let us not forget that Harvard was founded, and still lives off, taxpayer money. It is high time that Harvard pay reparations to local citizens, return its funds and be converted to a real university -- perhaps even a community college."



Above via Rush Limbaugh, 6/28/18

(scroll down): "When we first learned of the informant that the FBI had implanted in the Trump investigation, this collusion case, remember the name Stefan Halper? Stefan Halper was the guy that somehow found his way into the life of George Papadopoulos and had implanted with Papadopoulos — along with his buddy Joseph Mifsud, a professor from Maltathat the Russians had a whole bunch of Hillary Clinton emails.

Well, this guy, Stefan Halper, has been a lecturer and professor at Cambridge, at Oxford. He’s got some ties to Harvard. But he’s big in MI6 and the CIA. MI6 is the U.K. version of CIA. And then Mifsud, the Maltese professor… That’s actually how he’s identified in all these news stories....

I made the observation that all of these spies and all of these implants and all of these people working with the FBI come from academe. They come from the equivalent of the Ivy League in the U.K., which would be Oxford and Cambridge, and they come from Harvard and Yale here. And sure enough, Stefan Halper was a lecturer at Harvard and has had connections there. Well, there is a story today in a small paper called the Taunton Daily Gazette in Massachusetts by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, and he is running for office.
He’s an accredited academic himself. He’s got four degrees from MIT, including a Ph.D., and he’s running for the United States Senate as an independent. His piece is, “It’s Time to Take Back Harvard,” exposing the truth about Harvard” and so forth. It’s a really, really good piece that details how Harvard and Yale and all of these Ivy League institutions prepare people for positions of power and authority in what we’re calling the establishment, the deep state, ruling class, or whatever. Let me give you a pull quote from his piece.

“However, today, the same people who control education at Harvard also dominate Wall Street, write the nation’s laws, and operate global behemoths like Monsanto. They are a singular cohesive community who funnel vast sums of money to themselves, draft self-serving policies, control judicial appointments, own the media, grant taxpayer monies to non-profits, while creating monopolies from tax cuts, bailouts and venture funding. They do all this and work with intelligence agencies that illegally surveillance innocent Americans. To add insult to injury, Harvard faculty generate propaganda — academic, ‘peer-reviewed’ papers — that claim their method of running the world is the best, while trampling our political and free speech rights.”

Another pull quote: “Almost every problem in the world — be it corruption, an economic crash, mass poverty, or a civil strife — can be traced back to ‘experts’ at Harvard,” and the reason the piece appealed to me is because I think it’s true....

They know each other, they network with each other, and they end up — even though they’ve never earned a lot of money — when you find their net worth statement, you find it’s overflowing even though they’ve never had jobs outside government. Members of the House and Senate show up in Washington with nothing and they retire after a few years and they’re millionaires. How does this happen?

This is what this guy writing the story is talking about. But it is a club, and there is an official training for in the United States government, and it does come from the Ivy League. But it doesn’t stop at the government....Now, of course this is what education supposed to do. It’s supposed to enable you to excel the things. But this is more than that. This is while you’re learning how to excel, you’re also being groomed and taught how to fit in and how to be part of a very, very (in terms of population) small group of people in whom the vast majority of power in this country is vested.

And it’s this group of people that’s out of their minds over Donald Trump. This group… What has happened with Trump, this is not possible. In their world, this is not possible....He’s not one of them....He’s not supposed to be able — nobody is — to come in and...get elected, and then after only, you know, less than two years show how ineffective these people are at supposedly leading the country, representing America, doing the best for America.

Trump is exposing a lot of things that nobody was supposed to ever see, and this is why they have to get rid of him. It’s why they have to do whatever they can to discredit him and to invalidate him with everything that he does, and it’s why they go after him on the basis that he’s rude and crude and unsophisticated, because those are key ingredients and requirements for admission into this club — and it extends to the same kind of people in the U.K. These are the people running the European Union. These are the people at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

They’re all in this, and I was glad to see this piece, because it confirmed my instincts about it....This guy that wrote the piece... actually makes mention of the fact that Harvard could be sued for racketeering, given what they’ve produced and how people are trained and educated, and I don’t doubt any of that for a minute.

He says, “...To add insult to injury, Harvard faculty generate propaganda — academic, ‘peer-reviewed’ papers — that claim their method of running the world is the best, while trampling our political and free speech rights. In short, Harvard is the alpha and omega of the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex — the ‘Deep State,’ a term we often hear these days. Almost every problem in the world — be it corruption, an economic crash, mass poverty, or a civil strife — can be traced back to ‘experts’ at Harvard,” and then he writes here, “I believe Harvard needs to be investigated for racketeering.”
Now, that’s never gonna happen, and this may not be news to you. I was just excited to see it, because it confirmed yet again my unassailable instincts about things. But this is the root even of the so-called conservative Never Trumpers. There’s also a piece in the Stack today by a guy who’s done a little informal survey. In not one national newspaper — such as USA Today, New York Times, Washington Post (given the internet, it’s national) — there isn’t one, not a single pro-Trump columnist. Not a single one! Plenty of conservatives, but every damned one of them hates Trump. George Will, Ross Douthat, David Brooks, Bret Stephens, Washington Post, New York Times, to a man they despise Trump, even while watching everything they’ve devoted their lives to (supposedly) being implemented as policy. They can't stand it that Trump is the one doing it. And there’s genuine hatred. So these people are all unified, they’re all together, and the Never Trumpers on the so-called Republican/conservative side are part of the cabal as well.

They do think of themselves as special and a cut above — intellectually, in terms sophistication and all this — and Trump is just continuing to drive them increasingly batty." image above from Segment, "Fireworks at Rosenstein Hearing"


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