Friday, June 29, 2018

Deep State of course humiliated GOP. Goodlatte committee merely confirmed that GOP, FBI and DOJ are corrupt and have nothing but contempt for US taxpayers-Commenters to Goodlatte committee...(Smirking DOJ is effectively a foreign government stealing from US taxpayers)

"Rosenstein was sure burning, or at least smoldering in his seat, as [Ohio Republican Rep. Jim] Jordan badgered him about threatening House staffers by subpoenaing their emails and phone calls…! The gotcha moment: “You can’t subpoena a phone call,” Rosenstein answered, trying to suppress his mirthful smirk… as in, listen to me, you dim, Rotarian, Buckeye clod, with your worthless JD from the most obscure law school in the darkest corner of your meth-and vicodan-addled state… you can’t subpoena a phone call, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…! Had Mr. Jordan been a little more nimble of mind in his Dude role, had he not, say, downed that Red Bull and Ayahuasca “pick-me-up” before the committee session, he might have come back smartly at Mr. Rosenstein with a simple, “…yes, but you can subpoena the records of phone calls, can’t you?”...Only the poor clod muffed it, and Rosenstein’s praetorian guard of attorneys in the seats behind him joined in the mirthful smirkery, grand fellows of the Deep State are we, we eat Buckeyes for breakfast!"...6/29/18, "Hidden Figures," Jim Kuntsler via Zero Hedge....

Added: Rosenstein can say anything he wants and nothing will happen to him (source below). He says he had no idea what he was signing when he signed FISA warrants authorizing spying on Trump campaign and presidency. Sure, whatever. Standard testimony in the third world toilet the US has become without a shot being fired:


Above, via comment, citizen817, June 30, 2018 at 12:25 am, to post: "June 30th – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #527," tcth, sundance 

6/29/18, "Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte Discusses Strzok and Rosenstein Testimony," tcth, sundance 

"The House Judiciary Committee has primary oversight authority over the DOJ. House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte discusses the testimony from FBI Agent Peter Strzok, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, along with the next steps." [Such as Goodlatte's pathetic, "We're going to restore the reputation of the FBI."]


Among comments

"Ellie says:

These pols are delusional. How can they possibly think they can restore people’s trust in the FBI?"


"mimbler says:


"4sure says:
The leaders in Congress are NEVER going to admit that they lost oversight on two agencies that went rogue on them while they turned a blind eye. It would expose them for the incompetent owned special interest whores they are. That why Ryan and McConnell are sitting this one out."


"Archie says:


"mimbler says:
Exactly Archie. Even if they had “lost control” the headlines would be about how they were gaining control. It would only be positive press. So yes, they were/are happy with the soft coup by FBI/DOJ."


"MSO says:
It’s unfathomable, no it’s just plain silly that we have no members of the house or the senate that can gain clearance for and access to any and all DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA documents. How is it that some junior FBI hire out college can gain such access but those charged with oversight cannot?"


"Cheeshead54016 says:
Career DOJ and FBI folks investigating their own is crazy dumb in my opinion. Similar to a cop investigating his momma, uncle or cousin."


"David Vicknair says:
Restoration of trust is out of the question as long as the DOJ...and FBI are represented by feckless swamp creatures like "I Just Sign FISA Submissions I Don't Actually Read Them" Rod Rosenstein and the ever smug Christopher Wray."

"Johnny says:
Goodlatte is a coward plain and simple. Speak the truth to the American people.

1 Sedition is rampant in DOJ and FBI.

2 America was almost ended by a Socialist takeover attempt. Admit that Brennan initiated a coup attempt and Mueller is carrying it forward

3 Destroy these agencies right now. Defund them now. No new money for next year until all the conspiracy has been brought to the light of day for American people to see and then let the Local Sheriff’s handle it from now on.

4 Disband the FISA court immediately. No secret courts ever again. No more Patriot Act....

6 All people prosecuted by the FBI need to be freed immediately. I can not believe these people incarcerated got a fair trial because of the forgery committed on evidence the government submitted


"Concerned says:
Is Rosenstein and Wray the best Director of the FBI and Assistant AG President Trump could come up with? WOW!"


"Koot Katmando says:
Outraged watching Wray’s and Rosey’s demeanor in the clips shown – even though I seen it yesterday. They have to nerve to strut in after reading that IG report? They obviously do not get the lack of trust in the FBI and DOJ. I am to the point I think they should completely disband the FBI and DOJ. I have lost all faith in the FBI do do its job and yes that includes many of the rank and file. Stop the BS saying the problem is just at the top. There have been too damn many shooting incidences they have missed. The hiring and promotion practices of the last decade have destroyed the institution. They have become more concerned with social justice issues than protecting us."

"Concerned says:
Unfortunately, for President Trump the buck stops with him! He hired them, he must fire them."...



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