Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Fake photo of child in cage crying blamed on Trump was actually staged by a protest group on June 10. Child staged in the photo "got confused on how to get out (of the cage) and cried when he saw his mother....He was only in there about 30 seconds”-CNN, WGN

"It is not the first time that alarming photos of caged children have been wrongly attributed to Trump administration policies. A photograph showing two immigrant children sleeping in a fenced enclosure, which sparked outrage when it surfaced last month, turned out to have been taken in an Arizona detention facility in 2014."

6/18/18, "The truth behind this photo of an ‘immigrant child’ crying inside a cage," by , via WGN 9 Chicago, wgntv.com

"However, the picture was actually taken during a June 10 protest against White House immigration policies at Dallas City Hall, as first reported by fact-checking site Snopes.

Other Facebook photos from the protest, organized by the Texas chapter of the Brown Berets de Cemanahuac, a Latino advocacy group, show the same boy outside the cage as activists hold signs urging the White House to “stop separating families.”

Leroy Pena, the head of the Brown Berets’  Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter, took two pictures of the caged crying boy and posted them on Facebook with the caption: “This was part of our protest yesterday, but this is actually going on right now, at this very moment, in child detention centers throughout the country.”

The post was later deleted, but a version is still on the Wayback Machine.


Pena expressed frustration at how the photo was taken out of context.

“I posted this on my personal profile and it was not set to public, but only friends. They shared it. Some of them shared it without my comment,” he said. But the image “did help bring attention to the plight of undocumented children,” he added....

Vargas later said he realized the photo of the boy in the cage was misleading but defended his right to share it to make a point....

It is not the first time that alarming photos of caged children have been wrongly attributed to Trump administration policies. 

A photograph showing two immigrant children sleeping in a fenced enclosure, which sparked outrage when it surfaced last month, turned out to have been taken in an Arizona detention facility in 2014."


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