Thursday, May 31, 2018

Every US trade deal she's seen over 27 years has been bad for Americans said US congressional democrat Louise Slaughter: “In all the time I’ve been in Congress [27 years as of 2016], I have never seen a trade bill that benefited the American producer or the American worker. It’s all been give-away"-Politico, 2/19/2014

Democrat Rep. Louise Slaughter served in Congress from 1987 until her death in 2018.

2/19/2014, "Specter of NAFTA haunts Obama," Politico, Eric Bradner
"Nonsense,” said Rep. Louise Slaughter of New York.

In all the time I’ve been in Congress [27 years as of 2016], I have never seen a trade bill that benefited the American producer or the American worker. It’s all been give-away, and we really can’t afford that anymore,” she said. “People are sick and tired of the one-way trade deal.”...

Every time the president [Obama] tells a home audience he’s working on a bigger and better approach to international trade, Democrats and public interest groups only seem to hear “NAFTA on steroids.”

Obama is pushing to complete the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP], which would link North America with Asian countries like Japan. But to get his way, the president will have to sell the American public and the congressional leaders of his own party on the notion that the deal is an escape from NAFTA’s mistakes, rather than just an expansion of its reach."... 

Rep. Louise Slaughter passed away on March 16, 2018.


Added: Rep. Slaughter said US workers and manufacturers should be allowed level playing field with other countries. (Why would it be otherwise? Americans are global slaves. The US political class can't sell us out fast enough.)

"Slaughter spoke of her concern for the people of Rochester, N.Y., especially those in manufacturing jobs, which led her to battle against every free trade agreement, including the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
She said these agreements have caused businesses in Rochester [NY state] serious harm and led to widespread hardship in local communities.

Rep. Slaughter has championed the bipartisan Reciprocal Market Access Act (RMAA), which would require the reduction of foreign market barriers before decreasing U.S. tariffs, a move that would level the playing field for American workers and support American manufacturing jobs. The RMAA would enhance the tools available to U.S. trade negotiators, ensuring that the U.S. is able to achieve real reciprocity in the international marketplace."...

May 19, 2014, "Boilermakers name Rep. Slaughter Legislator of the Year,"

"N.Y. congresswoman cited for opposing bad trade deals, defending workers."


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