"America’s ability to pursue or even to
have a foreign policy is non-existent in the face of its internal civil
war."...8/6/17, "Playing Politics with the World’s Future," Alastair Crooke, Consortium News..."When you stop accepting election results you have a countdown to a civil war."...
4/3/18, "How Trump’s Presidency Will Be Judged," Pat Buchanan
"America’s elites are adamant that our country should vanish inside a new Third World nation that
resembles in its racial, religious and ethnic composition the U.N.
General Assembly. The old God-and-country America the people loved they
Trump is likely the last president who will try to preserve that
country. If he leaves office with the border unsecured, it is hard to
see what stops the Third World invasion, even as it is also coming
across the Mediterranean into Europe.
“The Camp of the Saints” is no longer a dystopian novel."...
[Ed. note: "The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French novel by
author and explorer Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting wherein
Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the
destruction of Western civilization."]
(continuing): "Enoch Powell’s warning, 50 years ago, about mass migration into
Europe, “Et thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno,” “I see the River
Tiber foaming with much blood,” is now seen as prophecy.
And Trump’s agenda of economic nationalism — restoring the industrial
dynamism and self-sufficiency America knew from Lincoln to Reagan —
faces relentless hostility from institutionalized power.
Against Trump stand corporate elites, whose profits and stock options
depend on producing outside America, and the managerial class of a New
World Order that runs the EU, U.N., IMF, World Bank and WTO.
Yet if global elites are hoarding the largest slice of the
wealth of nations and a goodly slice of their political power, one
senses that they are an unloved crowd, and they are sitting on a
The third unique Trump issue was his commitment to extricate us from
the Middle East wars into which Bush and Obama had entrenched us, and to
keep us out of any new wars. Trump also pledged to reach out to
Vladimir Putin and to Russia to avoid a second Cold War.
Those who voted for him voted for that foreign policy.
And if Trump is drawn into new wars with Iran or North Korea, or
reaches 2020 with U.S. forces still fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq,
Syria, Yemen and Libya, he will be perceived as having failed.
Yet the resistance of this city to giving up its vision of U.S.
global hegemony is broad and deep, for that vision is almost a defining
mark of our foreign policy elites. For them to give it up would be like
death itself.
The stunned reaction to Trump’s suggestion last week that we
will be leaving Syria after ISIS’s caliphate is destroyed, testifies to
how much their identify is tied up in this vision.
That Trump would accept an end to Syria’s civil war, with Bashar
Assad still in power, is intolerable. Yet how we can reverse that
reality without putting thousands of U.S. combat troops into Syria is
unexplained. In the last analysis, then, it is upon three questions that
the Trump presidency will be judged:
Did he secure America’s borders? Did he restore the
industrial might of America? Did he take us out of and keep us out of
any more neocon wars?"
Half the US electorate still has no political party behind it, meaning we are slaves. "On the triad of trade, immigration, and foreign policy, these voters are nationalist, not
globalist." The entire US political class is the opposite. As in Europe, non-natives are merely objects to be forced to participate in their own genocide via open borders, extreme globalism, endless foreign wars, and massive free trade deals governed by global
courts...."Europe is in a state of war: specifically, a civil war between the
self-appointed elites who have destroyed much of the continent’s
freedom, culture and prosperity and the insurgent populations they have
deceived and enslaved. This is a war to the death; only one side can
survive the outcome."...1/7/2015, "The European Civil War: Elites vs People in a Fight for Survival," Gerald Warner, Breitbart London
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