Monday, April 9, 2018

Mark Levin calls for longtime friend Jeff Sessions to resign as Attorney General: "This is not the Russian matter. The entire Justice Department is out of control now"-4/9/18, Real Clear Politics

4/9/18, "Mark Levin: Time For Jeff Sessions To Resign," Real Clear Politics, Ian Schwartz

"On his nationally-syndicated radio program Monday night, Mark Levin called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. Levin said the buck stops at the AG's desk, even if he did recuse himself. Levin, an attorney, said the Justice Department is out of control and what is happening now has nothing to do with the Russian matter.  

"It's time for the Attorney General to step aside and for the president of the United States, he can make a recess appointment, not to put in a body or anything like that," Levin said. "He can put Dershowitz in there for all I care." 

"I say it with the gravest regret, I really do, because I know what it means personally but I can't -- I can't ignore what I'm seeing and what's going on here," the host said.

"MARK LEVIN: The buck stops on the Attorney General's desk, even if he recused himself as he did with the Russian matter. This is not the Russian matter. And the entire [Justice] Department is out of control now and its country first, over any politician, even if I've known that politician for a long, long time, his attorney general now.  

I watch the president of the United States here now. He doesn't deserve any of this. He didn't do anything. He didn't do anything. What do you think it is, Chappaquiddick?  

And so it's time for the Attorney General to step aside and for the president of the United States, he can make a recess appointment, not to put in a body or anything like that. He can put Dershowitz in there for all I care. He needs to put somebody in there who's going to take a little bit more charge over what's going on in this country. 

I say it with the gravest regret, I really do, because I know what it means personally but I can't -- I can't ignore what I'm seeing and what's going on here.""


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