Monday, February 5, 2018

3 main issues US voters must accept in submitting to global CO2 governance: Your industry must be constrained, you must send money abroad, and you must accept a stronger UN. Republican candidates will take positions needed to win primaries, then tack back to the centre-Jan. 2012, EurActiv, Purvis, Legge

Nigel Purvis, globalist and CO2 danger advocate: 3 main things US Republican voters must accept:

1/13/2012, "US Republicans Stir Transatlantic Tensions Over Climate Change," EurActiv via EurAsia Review, Brussels 

"Six candidates are vying for the Republican party’s nomination [Jan. 2012] to challenge Democrat incumbent Barack Obama in the November general election.

Ironically, the ‘cap and trade’ idea that underwrites the global carbon market was originally the brainchild of US Republicans [especially extreme globalist George HW Bush]. But this changed because of what one senior US climate negotiator at Kyoto described as a collection of “toxic” ingredients. 

"There are three issues

constraining industry, 
sending money abroad, and  
strengthening the UN – 

that are inflammatory on their own right,” 

Nigel Purvis, a State Department official under the Clinton and Bush administrations, said on the phone from Washington.... 

More than that, the climate change issue had become a symbol of ‘big government’ for Republicans [voters], Purvis argued....

[Thomas Legge, a climate officer for the German Marshall Fund] suggested that the [Republican] candidates are taking positions of necessity to win primaries and they will then tack back to the centre."...

Nigel Purvis, now the president of the Climate Advisers consultancy in Washington, agreed that there was long-term cause for optimism."...


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