Saturday, January 20, 2018

You have only yourselves to blame. You chose to ignore longtime Democrat voters. 6.7-9.2 million Obama voters bypassed Mrs. Clinton and voted for Trump in 2016. It's unlikely you'll ever get these voters back-NY Times, Washington Post


12/7/2016, "Valerie Jarrett says Trump election felt 'like a punch in the stomach'," Chicago Tribune, Kim Janssen


That between 6.7 and 9.2 million Obama voters would bypass Mrs. Clinton and become Trump voters in 2016 should've surprised no one. 
The 6.7 to 9.2 million Obama to Trump voters were "far more than enough to provide Trump his electoral College victory."..."The biggest common denominator among Obama-Trump voters is a view that the political system is corrupt and doesn’t work for people like them."...

6/8/17, "The Democratic Party Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought," NY Times, Thomas B. Edsall, commentary 

Democrat Party exodus 2011-2017:

Dec. 2017, "Party Hoppers: Understanding Voters Who Switched Partisan Affiliation," Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, Author: Robert Griffin (formerly with Center for American Progress and others)

*While most Obama to Trump voters once identified as Democrats, a majority now identify as Republicans. Since 2011, there has been a 28 percent decline in Democratic identification and a 43 percent increase in Republican identification among these voters....

Partisan affiliation is one of the most stable features of the modern American electorate. While individuals’ feelings toward politicians or their attitudes about policy can change quickly, partisanship is a deep-seated identity resistant to change."...


In Ohio, thousands of Democrats were changing parties:

7/18/2016, "Outside Cleveland, thousands of Democrats are becoming Republicans," CNN, Mahoning County, Ohio 


Fat Cats simply say Ohio Democrat voters are "not modern enough, not educated enough, not willing to adjust" to a party that prioritizes unisex bathrooms above economic issues:

4/5/2017, "Democrats are still ignoring the people who could have helped them defeat Trump, Ohio Party leaders say," Washington Post, William Wan

Worst of all, they said, the party hadn't learned from what they saw as the biggest message from November's election: Democrats have fallen completely out of touch with America's blue-collar voters...."After everything that’s happened, if we as a party still aren’t speaking to them, then we are never getting them back.”...During the [2016] primaries, he learned that 18 of his own Democratic precinct captains had crossed party lines to vote for Trump. Some areas had to print extra Republican primary ballots just to keep up with the demand.

“That’s when I knew something was wrong,” he said.

He warned [Mrs.] Clinton that she had lost all credibility with working-class voters by waffling on trade and offering tepid solutions.
That geographic disconnect has translated into policies that alienate the heartland, [Ohio Democrat Rep. Marcy] Kaptur said, overlooking, for example, the devastation of globalized free trade on places such as Ohio. “They paid lip service to it, but the underlying attitude was, ‘You’re not modern enough, not educated enough, not willing to adjust,’ Kaptur said....Trump not only flipped the state [of Ohio] but also won by the largest margin of any presidential candidate since 1988."...  


Added: "Non-college voters" aren't exactly a fringe group:

Maps above from Dec. 2017, "Party Hoppers: Understanding Voters Who Switched Partisan Affiliation," Democracy Fund Voter Study Group 


11/9/2016, "Obama tried to stay upbeat about the elections. These pictures of grim White House aides tell another story." Washington Post, David Nakamura


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