Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sara Carter flops in Deep State's latest Fox News Infotainment bid to fool the rubes...(Why doesn't Sara report that Hillary destroyed the Democrat Party? In Nov. 2016, between 6.7-9.2 million Obama voters bypassed Hillary and became Trump voters)

Sara Carter says: "Sources" tell her what really happened is Putin fooled poor Hillary and Fusion GPS into thinking Trump was a spy. The only meaningful news about Hillary is that in the Nov. 2016 election between 6.7 and 9.2 million former Obama voters bypassed her and became Trump voters, "far more than enough to provide Trump his electoral College victory."..."The biggest common denominator among Obama-Trump voters is a view that the political system is corrupt and doesn’t work for people like them."...6/8/17, "The Democratic Party Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought," NY Times, Thomas B. Edsall, commentary

Sara Carter parrots new poor Hillary angle:
1/13/18, "Trial Balloon – Sara Carter and Dan Bongino Discuss The Steele Dossier and The DOJ/FBI FISA Abuse," tcth, sundance 

"Sara Carter plays the role of controlled opposition. Carter shiftily helps Hillary Clinton deal with her “Dossier Problem“.

Unfortunately, but not unpredictably, Sara Carter begins deploying deep state ‘countermeasures’ from her ‘sources’ that are telling her Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and Hillary Clinton was hoodwinked by a comprehensive Russian disinformation campaign; carried out by professional Russian intelligence agents; who duped the Clinton Campaign into THINKING Trump was a proxy political agent of Russia.

Ergo,…the ever patriotic Clinton campaign had no other option, except to do their civic  duty, and inform the FBI of the Russian claims… and that led to the entire FBI operation investigating candidate Donald Trump. Thankfully, Donald Trump wasn’t a Russian spy.

Well, there’s the trial balloon narrative from those at risk within the Deep State Clinton group, and there’s Sara Carter testing it out for them....[Fox News 1/13/18 video at link]

Why does the DOJ leak to Sara Carter?  Remember the text messages leak? ” SEE HERE “" (Above Fox News Sara Carter image via tcth)


Among comments to above post:


"Mary kate says:


scott467 says:

She always does."


scott467 says:

It’s a disinformation campaign by SOMEBODY, Sara.
I wonder by who?
Quick, grab a mirror!"


"scott467 says:
Is he hitting a crack pipe?"


Added: Between 2011 and 2017, Hillary and the Democrat Party lost their blue collar base:

"For the Democratic Party, the loss of white people without college degrees is highly problematic. For starters, this group is a larger share of the electorate than is commonly understood."

Maps above from Dec. 2017, "Party Hoppers: Understanding Voters Who Switched Partisan Affiliation," Democracy Fund Voter Study Group  

"Implications for 2018 and Beyond ...

For the Democratic Party, the loss of white people without college degrees is highly problematic. For starters, this group is a larger share of the electorate than is commonly understood. While the national exit poll of the major networks and the AP indicated that non-college white voters made up 34 percent of voters in 2016, the actual number is probably closer to 45 percent.(ii) 

Even small losses among these voters can have a decisive impact on parties’ electoral fortunes — particularly in state and local elections. The reason for this is that non-college white voters are well distributed throughout the country for the purpose of political representation. With few exceptions, they make up a significant, if not overwhelming, portion of voters in counties across the nation. This geographic dispersion makes them influential in every state and in a disproportionate number of congressional districts (Figure 6)."...



The Democrat Party has no intention of appealing to white, working class voters. It's staying with unisex bathrooms, identity politics, and being anti-Trump:

4/5/17, "Democrats are still ignoring the people who could have helped them defeat Trump, Ohio party leaders say," Washington Post, William Wan, Youngstown, Ohio


Comment: Those who run the Republican Party have no interest in working class voters either--or any voters, for that matter.


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