10/18/2015, "Give inspectors general access to the records they need to do their jobs," Washington Post opinion, Michael E. Horowitz (Mr. Horowitz is Inspector General of
the Justice Dept. and chair of Council of the Inspectors
General on Integrity and Efficiency)
"One of the most significant post-Watergate reforms was the passage in 1978 of the Inspector General Act
(IG Act), which has put in place 72 federal inspectors general to serve
as agency watchdogs responsible for ensuring the integrity and
efficiency of our government’s operations.
An inspector general’s
ability to accomplish that ever-challenging mission depends on the
bedrock principles enshrined in the IG Act: independence and access to
all an agency’s records without interference. I emphasize “all” because
unrestricted access to agency records ensures that our essential
functions cannot be thwarted. Over the past 35 years, that access has
empowered IGs to root out government corruption and save U.S. taxpayers
billions of dollars.
For decades, there was no controversy over
what the words “all records” meant. But that changed in 2010 when FBI
attorneys suggested, soon after several critical reports by my office as
inspector general at the Justice Department, that “all records” might
not include some records the FBI was seeking to withhold.
This was the first time anyone in the department had asserted that the
broad powers of the IG Act did not apply fully to our oversight.
Not surprisingly, once the FBI started raising legal challenges,
several other federal agencies challenged their IGs’ independent
oversight authority. For example, when the Peace Corps inspector general
sought to review the agency’s response to sexual assaults against corps
volunteers — oversight that was mandated by Congress — the agency put
in place policies that prevented IG access to key records.
Making matters worse, recently an arm of the Justice Department issued a 68-page opinion that supported the FBI’s position and concluded that IGs do not have the right
to independently access certain records involving grand jury testimony,
wiretap information and some credit reports, no matter how critical
they might be to our oversight. Indeed, these kinds of records have been
central to some of our most significant reviews of FBI and Justice
Department programs, and for more than 21 years the department had
provided them to us without once accusing us of not properly
safeguarding them. As a result of this decision, it is now up to agency
officials to decide whether to grant, or refuse, an IG permission to
review these types of records. This leads to the absurd situation where
the words “all records” in the IG Act no longer mean “all records.”
independent access to agency records, our ability as IGs to conduct the
kind of sensitive reviews that have resulted in widespread improvements
in the effectiveness of government programs will be significantly
compromised. For example, since 2010, many of my office’s most important
reviews, including those affecting public safety, national security,
civil liberties and even whistleblower retaliation, have been impeded or
officials whose agencies are under review to decide what documents an
inspector general can have turns the IG Act on its head and is
fundamentally inconsistent with the independence that is necessary for
effective and credible oversight.
This safeguard was vital when
Congress passed the IG Act in 1978, and it remains vital today. Actions
that limit or delay an inspector general’s access can have profoundly
negative consequences for our work: They make us less effective,
encourage other agencies to raise similar objections and erode the
morale of our dedicated professionals. As chair of the Council of
Inspectors General, I know that inspectors general everywhere are deeply
concerned about this attack on our independence.
Thankfully, a
substantial bipartisan group in Congress shares our view that the IG Act
must not be interpreted in a way that would render it toothless.
Pending legislation in the Senate, S. 579, and the House, H.R. 2395,
would restore IG independence and empower IGs to conduct the kind of
rigorous, independent and thorough oversight that taxpayers expect. I
urge Congress to pass legislation quickly that clarifies that “all
records” means “all records” and reject any interpretation that would
allow government agencies to shield their misdeeds from inspector
general oversight and, more importantly, from the American people." [S579-not passed as of 12/17/17; HB 2395-passed in House, referred to Senate. No action after that per govtrack]
"To read more on this topic":
5/22/2012, The Post’s View: The missing inspectors general
9/26/2013, National Security Agency needs an independent inspector general
12/23/2011, The Post’s View: A need for more inspector generals
Added: 2014 Editorial
8/7/2014, "Inspectors General say Obama aides obstruct investigations," Washington Examiner Editorial
"Billions of tax dollars are being lost every day to waste, fraud, and corruption in the federal government, but President Obama's administration is blocking inspectors general— the officials who are most likely to find and expose such wrongdoing —
from doing their jobs. That’s the disturbing message given to Congress and the American people this week from a majority of the federal
government’s 78 IGs. The blocking occurs when agency lawyers deny the
authority of IGs to gain access to relevant documents and officials.
The 47 IGs minced no words: “Each of us strongly supports the
principle that an inspector general must have complete, unfiltered, and
timely access to all information and materials available to the agency
that relate to that IG’s oversight activities, without unreasonable
administrative burdens. The importance of this principle, which was
codified by Congress in Section 6(a)(1) of the Inspector General Act of
1978, as amended (the IG Act), cannot be overstated. Refusing,
restricting, or delaying an IG's access to documents leads to
incomplete, inaccurate, or significantly delayed findings or
recommendations, which in turn may prevent the agency from promptly
correcting serious problems and deprive Congress of timely information
regarding the agency’s performance.”
Three specific examples were described in the IGs' letter, including blatant obstruction of important investigations at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, and the Peace Corps.
But many other IGs have “faced similar obstacles to their work, whether
on a claim that some other law or principle trumped the clear mandate
of the IG Act or by the agency’s imposition of unnecessarily burdensome
administrative conditions on access.
Even when we are ultimately able to
resolve these issues with senior agency leadership, the process is
often lengthy, delays our work, and diverts time and attention from
substantive oversight activities.”
The experience of Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz is
especially outrageous. In a Senate hearing in April, Horowitz said his
office must go through Attorney General Eric Holder to gain access to DOJ documents and officials.
Giving Holder the power to veto an IG's access in that manner egregiously violates the 1978 law
and other statutes. Obstruction like Holder’s risks “leaving the
agencies insulated from scrutiny and unacceptably vulnerable to
mismanagement and misconduct – the very problems that our offices were
established to review and that the American people expect us to be able
to address,” the IGs said in their letter to Congress.
It is impossible to know exactly how much the federal bureaucracy
loses every year to waste, fraud and corruption. Credible estimates put
the total at more than $200 billion, but in a $3.5 trillion budget it
could easily far exceed that amount. Every time an IG is barred from
gaining access to vital documents or officials, it encourages even more
Congress must get tough with people in the executive branch who obstruct IGs from doing their jobs. And when it’s the attorney
general doing the obstructing, it’s time to bring back independent
Comment: Nice article until the last
paragraph: "Congress must get tough." Obviously, Congress will never "get tough" on fellow government cronies especially in
the administrative state. They may sometimes pretend they're outraged
about something taxpayers might be outraged about, but it's just for
show. Above all, they were never going to "get tough" on anything
involving Obama. They agreed with everything he did.
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