UN IPCC: US temperatures cooled from 1950-2011, 3 citations from 2012 UN IPCC SREX:
2012 UN IPCC report, "Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation," Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (582 pages):
UN IPCC states "central North America" temperatures cooled between 1950 and 2011. Citations on pages 121, 134, and 135 reference "central North America" cooling. (Scientific American says UN IPCC is "the world's premier scientific body on the climate.")
3 citations for "central North America" cooling temperatures from 1950-2011," per 2012 UN IPCC report, Chapter 3, "Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical Environment," begins p. 109:
First citation, p. 121:
p. 121, Subhead 3.1.6: "Changes in Extremes and Their Relationship to Changes in Regional and Global Mean Climate:"
(Right column, near end of page): "Parts of central North America [otherwise known as the US] and the eastern United States present cooling trends in mean temperature and some temperature extremes in the spring to summer season in recent decades (Section 3.3.1)."...
Second citation, p. 134:
Subhead 3.3, "Observed and Projected Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes," Subhead 3.3.1, "Temperatures," subhead, "Observed Changes" (begins p. 133), Chapter 3:
p. 134, left column, 2nd parag.: "Regions that were found to depart from this overall behavior toward more warm days and nights and fewer cold days and nights in Alexander et al. (2006) were mostly central North America [the US], the eastern United States, southern
Greenland (increase in cold days and decreases in warm days), and the
southern half of South America (decrease in warm days; no data available
on the northern half of the continent). In central North America and the eastern United States this partial tendency for a negative trend [ie, a cooling trend] in extremes is also consistent with a reported mean negative trend [ie, cooling] in temperatures mostly in the spring to summer season, (also termed 'warming hole,' e.g., Pan et al., 2004; Portmann et al., 2009)."
Third citation, p. 135:
Subhead 3.3, "Observed and Projected Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes," Subhead 3.3.1, "Temperatures," subhead, "Observed Changes" (begins p. 133), Chapter 3:
p. 135, (Left column): "Only a few regions show changes in temperature extremes consistent with cooling, most notably for some extremes in central North America [ie, the US], the eastern United States,
and also parts of South America."...
Added: Why 1950-2011 start and end dates in this report?
Re: 1950 start date reference:
p. 8, SPM: "There is evidence from observations gathered since 1950 of change in some extremes." (Subhead, "Climate Extremes and Impacts")
Re: 2011 end date, following is citation for May 2011 cutoff date:
page ix, Preface: "This report provides a careful assessment of scientific, technical, and socioeconomic knowledge as of May 2011, the cutoff date for literature included." (parag. 3, last sentence)
Added: More US CO2 data: Despite US 70% population increase (1960-2008 (48 yrs.), p. 258, per 2010 US Census), US CO2 has plunged over 20 years, 1992-2012:
Chapter 4, "Changes in Impacts of Climate Extremes: Human Systems and Ecosystems:"
Subhead (right column): "North America," "Introduction"
"Coastline regions of the Gulf of Mexico region in the United States increased by 150% from 1960 to 2008, while total US population increased by 70% (US Census Bureau, 2010)." (last sentence in parag.)
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