Sunday, October 1, 2017

'I cannot say this loudly enough. This whole episode isn't about Hillary Clinton losing the election or Russian hacking of the DNC....We are handing over power to unelected technocrats and shutting down dissenting speech'-Daniel Herman, Consortium News

9/29/17, "Russia-gate’s Shaky Foundation," Daniel Herman, Consortium News

(subhead, "Where we stand"): "I cannot say this loudly enough. This whole episode isn't about Hillary Clinton losing the election, or Russian hacking of the DNC, or Deep State bias and boss-pleasing. The upshot is that we are entering a cyber-arms race that is going to become ever more byzantine, hidden, and dangerous to democracy, not just because elections can be stolen, but because in guarding against that, we are handing over power to unelected technocrats and shutting down dissenting speech. We are entering a new era; this won’t be the last time that hacking enters political discourse....

Presumably not even our cyber-security experts at the DHS and FBI know what the CIA and NSA’s cyber-warriors are up to. Thus Russian hacking becomes “Pearl Harbor” rather than an unsurprising reciprocal response. Both the State Department and the CIA, after all, have been in the foreign propaganda business for decades; the American public, however, has not the vaguest idea of what they do....

The intelligence community’s whispered “trust us, we’re the experts” simply isn’t good enough. If we don’t demand hard evidence, then we’re following the same path we took in 1898, 1915, 1950, 1964, and 2003. Let’s not go there." (subhead, "Where we stand")


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