"Even after a year of inquiries, (Russia Foreign Minister) Mr. Lavrov said, “we did not see a single fact.” Mr.
Lavrov said he had asked his American counterpart, Secretary of State
Rex W. Tillerson, for evidence of Russian meddling in the election and
was told it was confidential. Mr. Lavrov dismissed that contention as well. “You know I cannot believe that,” he said. “Information is leaking all the time.”" 9/22/2017, "Russia Says ‘Small-Hearted’ Obama Administration Spoiled Ties," NY Times, Somini Sengupta, United Nations
9/19/17, "Phase #5 Complete," by Adam Carter, http://g-2.space/phase5/
"Ambassadors and diplomatic staff of many embassies located in London (covering 150 nations) were sent the following communication:
Dear Honourable Ambassador,
I am writing to you as part of my effort to reach out to all
governments around the world regarding what I fear is a genuine threat
to world peace. It is a threat stemming from what, I regret to say,
appears to be a partisan political deception campaign by a political
party within the United States of America. This is a very serious issue
and an issue that every country deserves to be properly informed about.
I'm a private citizen of the United Kingdom. I have no affinity with
any political party and no investment or stake in geopolitical outcomes
beyond that of being a British citizen who opposes needless conflict,
especially if it is instigated by deceit.
At the end of December 2016, I started to investigate an online
persona that identified itself as "Guccifer 2.0", an identity many
believed – and many in America still do believe – to be a Russian hacker
allied to the Russian security services, the GRU and/or the FSB. The
Guccifer 2.0 online persona made unverified claims of being a source for
the “DNCLeaks” – the leaked emails of seven Democratic National
Committee officials that WikiLeaks published on 22 July 2016 – and
deliberately left various ‘clues’ pointing to an apparent Russian
These ‘clues’ have been cynically exploited by vested political
interests in the US to claim the Russian government used Guccifer 2.0 as
a conduit to WikiLeaks of ‘hacked’ DNC materials in order to “subvert
our democracy” in last year’s US election.
There has been a great deal of misreporting, under-reporting and
false assumptions made about Guccifer 2.0, and what makes this a serious
issue is that these earlier press errors have gone uncorrected.
Instead, most of the mainstream press has studiously ignored new
evidence that contradicts the false narrative it has promoted over the
past 15 months and instead continues to generate xenophobic hysteria
over alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US Presidential election.
In light of this refusal to report the new evidence, it appears the
US mainstream press is manufacturing consent for war once again.
In February 2017, a discovery was made that discredited the ‘Russian
hacker’ theory. This discovery of independently verifiable evidence was
made by carrying out a more thorough analysis of the metadata of digital
files published on Guccifer 2.0’s own Wordpress website than anyone
appears to have done in 2016.
The mainstream press stayed silent; it took around 200 days before
the first brief mention of this new evidence in the press. Since then,
the ‘Russian hacker’ theory has been further invalidated by other
‘digital forensics’ evidence from various independent researchers and
analysts. Again, instead of dealing with these new discoveries
legitimately, most in the mainstream press have chosen to ‘cherry-pick’ a
single aspect, distort that, and argue against it ‘strawman’-style, as a
means to disregard 90%-95% of the research.
Since October 2016, the United States Intelligence Community (USIC),
with assistance from mainstream media propaganda channels, has used
warmongering rhetoric, alleged Russian government interference in the US
election, and called that alleged interference an "act of war".
Anonymous officials in the USIC, cited by US mainstream press, have
also made claims that strong evidence exists and have even stated they
have intelligence showing that Russian President Vladimir Putin called
for hacking the DNC.
Nothing has ever been made public that supports such allegations.
Indeed, the closest any USIC agencies have come to this is making
assessments, none have produced hard evidence. Those assessments, at
least as they relate to the Guccifer 2.0 persona, have been discredited
by the newly discovered information. This, however, does not seem to
have stopped the push for sanctions or for escalating military tensions,
both of which continue within the US government.
Those entrusted to investigate the alleged Russian interference also
appear to be completely ignoring the new evidence – evidence that does a
lot to vindicate Russia. Ignoring evidence that suggests there may have
been a domestic political scheme to frame Russia should be a concern to
those who desire a peaceful and stable world for all.
This could easily
be an attempt to sustain a false pretext for war, a war between
nuclear-armed nations that risks expanding into global war.
Even more questionable, the assessments provided by various US
intelligence agencies have, in part, been based on the reporting of
private sector entities, one of which is CrowdStrike, the only entity
the Democratic Party allowed to have access to its computer servers –
effectively the ‘crime scene’ of the alleged cyber intrusion of which
DNC claims it is the victim.
CrowdStrike has multiple conflicts of interest here: its own contract
with the Democratic Party; its affiliation with the Atlantic Council
(which in turn has ties with NATO and anti-Russian individuals such as
Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk); and some of its executives have
made specious claims over the past year that now clearly need
investigating, especially with regards to the relative timing of
CrowdStrike’s public statements and the appearance of the Guccifer 2.0
The person investigating these matters is Robert Swan Mueller III, someone whose history includes attempts to frame WikiLeaks
and who is friends with one of the CrowdStrike executives who made
specious claims about the DNC being hacked. I am concerned that he may
not investigate this matter thoroughly and may ignore evidence that has
recently been reported to him.
A report outlining various pieces of evidence and raising concerns
over the assessments given by several US intelligence agencies was sent
to Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III as well as to the US House
and Senate Intelligence Committees, the US House and Senate Judiciary
Committees and the US Deputy Attorney General, Rod Jay Rosenstein.
A copy of the report ("Non-Existent Foundation for Russian Hacking Charge") is available at: http://nef4rhc.wordpress.com. While the report does cite research that I have been involved with (and that I report on at: http://g-2.space),
it was actually produced and sent by Skip Folden, a US citizen, former
IBM Program Manager for Information Technology for the US, and someone
who worked at IBM for at least 25 years.
Folden also co-authored an earlier report on this same subject with
members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), a group
of highly experienced veteran intelligence officials and whistleblowers
that opposes conflict justified by flawed intelligence. VIPS is most
famous for its 2003 memorandum blowing the whistle on the false
assessment that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that led
America into an illegal invasion of Iraq.
I don't want to see global chaos and conflict caused by deception. I
want to make sure investigation of the “DNCLeaks” is not obstructed or
conducted in bad faith. I feel there is a serious and credible threat to
global stability that may arise if this matter is not investigated
My reason for writing to you is to request that you or your
technical/technology advisers read the report linked to above and
consider all the new evidence that has been discovered in 2017. If its
implications cause you concern, I hope you will feel you now have
sufficient facts to take the matter forward in your official capacity,
in whatever way you judge to be most appropriate.
If you wish to clarify any of the points made in this letter or the
report, technical or otherwise, I will be happy to do so to the best of
my ability.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Carter"
Added: See, Comey's "folks" told him that relying on DNC employee CrowdStrike was an "appropriate substitute" for failing to examine DNC servers themselves:
"Mr. Comey provided his most detailed explanation of the DNC lockout in March when he appeared before the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence and was questioned by Rep. Will Hurd, Texas
Mr. Hurd: So, Director, FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on WikiLeaks....You have...never been given access to any of the technical or the
physical machines that were, that were hacked by the Russians? [sic]
Mr. Comey: That’s correct, although we got the forensics from the pros [CrowdStrike]
that they hired, which — again, best practice is always to get access
to the machines themselves, but this--my folks tell me was an
appropriate substitute.”
Why the FBI did not request a search warrant was not asked."...
7/27/17, "With Mueller investigation, FBI gets chance to physically inspect ‘hacked’ DNC computers," Washington Times, Rowan Scarborough
(Regarding this insulting headline:
There was never going to be a "chance" for physical inspection of DNC
computers. Nor has there ever been evidence that DNC computers were
"hacked.") ed.
Added: Excerpts from two Alastair Crooke articles:
8/26/17, "How the Deep State Ties Down Trump," Alastair Crooke, Consortium News
"President Trump has had his foreign policy hands and feet tied by the
Russia (and Iran) Sanctions Act. He now has been rendered “helpless”:
in respect to détente with Russia — gulliverized, spitefully, by his own
party, working with the Democrats, to empty Trump's constitutional prerogatives in policy--and to seize them for Congress....
It seems that the American deep state is so frenzied in this way that its inhabitants can no longer see straight: they are ready to risk
despoiling not just the "recalcitrant" abroad but America herself. And
the way they are going about trying to “have her,” may well ruin the
deep state too, as collateral damage."....
Second article:
"America’s ability to pursue or even to
have a foreign policy is non-existent in the face of its internal civil
war."..."Executive powers have been transferred to Congress:"
8/6/17, "Playing Politics with the World’s Future," Alastair Crooke, Consortium News
"Finally...the U.S. Congress has produced a piece of legislation. And
it passed with quasi-unanimous, bi-partisan support. Only its substance
is not so much a deep reflection on the foreign policy interests of
America, but rather, the desire to hurt,
and incapacitate the U.S. President in any future dealings with Russia.
(And never mind the worrying impulse towards conflict with Russia this
entails, or its collateral damage on others).
The aim has been to see President Trump hog-tied, and “tarred and
feathered” for his “risky behavior” on Russia. This aim simply has
overpowered any other considerations--such as likelihood that the
outside world will conclude that America’s ability to pursue or even to
have a foreign policy is non-existent in the face of its internal civil
war. It is a key juncture. For an overwhelming majority of Democratic
and Republican Senators and Congressmen, bringing down “The Donald” is
all--and the devil take the consequences for America, in the world....
The U.S. President had little option but to sign the legislation, but
that does not mean that diplomacy is completely blocked. As expected,
he issued a Signing Statement (see here),
in which, while accepting the mandate of Congress, Trump took issue
with the new Congressional encroachments into his prerogatives (Article
Two of the Constitution) in terms of foreign policy, and he reserved the
right to decide on how the Congressional mandate might be implemented
(i.e. in respect to the quadrilateral negotiations over Ukraine)....
As indicated earlier, Trump’s Republican base (unlike support from
the Republican establishment) is not eroding, but rather is becoming
angered and resentful. The more the MSM and the East Coast élites attack
the deplorables’ “alt” news and websites – the greater the pushback, it
The point here is that
the Republican [voters'] support for Trump’s desire for détente with Russia has
not eroded one jot, whereas the “concern” of the Independents and even
among Democrats is eroding somewhat."...
Added: Putin endorses Obama for President in 2012:
Putin praised Obama leading up to Nov. 2012 election, said Obama
would provide more favorable resolution to missile defense, that
Romney would widen rift. Putin gushes that Obama is "an honest person
who really wants to change much for the better"-Reuters, 9/6/2012
9/6/2012, "UPDATE 1-Russia's Putin defiant on Syria, says Romney "mistaken"," Reuters, Moscow
"Putin held out hope for an end to a
dispute with Washington on missile defence if President Barack Obama
were re-elected in November, telling Russia’s RT television he was “an
honest person who really wants to change much for the better”.
took aim at Obama’s Republican rival Mitt Romney, calling his criticism
of Russia “mistaken” campaign rhetoric and suggesting a Romney
presidency would widen the rift over the anti-missile shield the United
States is deploying in Europe."...
Comment: As explained in above two Alastair Crooke excerpts, the entire US political class, ie both US political
parties, is thrilled with the RussiaGate issue, has already used it to
nullify Trump's election and the votes of 63 million Americans, and to gin up WWIII with Russia. Both
House and Senate voted nearly unanimously in August on a bill stating
Putin/Russia interfered in the 2016 election and must be severely
punished. They also voted to remove Trump's authority to conduct foreign
policy with Russia, effectively removing a Constitutionally
Executive branch duty and transferring it to Congress. They did this
without benefit of an amendment to the Constitution. In addition to
humiliating the US president, they wanted to let US voters know
that under no circumstances are us hicks allowed to decide who becomes
president. They proved this by nullifying the election. Trump had
campaigned on detente with Russia,
that among other things, with the global terrorism problem, we needed
more countries to work
with us. Trump voters agreed, won the election, then had it taken away
from them by the non-gridlocked political class. Shutting us up is the
#1 obsession of these people. They're
so frustrated with us now that World War III looks like an
improvement--it would put us on a back burner for awhile. Of course, we're forced to
pay all the bills for their wars.
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