Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fact check on NY Times headline: Trump isn't the potential for a 'third party,' he's the potential for a second party. Only one party exists now, the UniParty

9/11/17, "In Free-Range Trump, Many See Potential for Third Party," NY Times, Jeremy W. Peters 

"To be sure, the barriers to creating a relevant third party are high and longstanding.... 

People in Washington in the political establishment who think we’ll get rid of Trump and go back to normal have made a terrible miscalculation. That’s not going to happen,” said Patrick Caddell, a political strategist who has worked for Democrats for most of his career and has warned that a breakup of the Republican Party is only a matter of time.

“The paradigm shift that we went through in 2016, it’s still in motion,” Mr. Caddell added....

Opinions on Mr. Trump have changed less than his low overall popularity might suggest. Ninety-eight percent of Republicans who supported him in the 2016 primaries still approve of him today, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released last week"....


Comment: The GOP E is already no longer a political party. Half the electorate in the United States is behind Trump. No one is behind the GOP Establishment. They're pretending 2016 didn't happen. Apparently, actual regime change can only happen with millions of dollars of US taxpayer funded weapons and no fly zones.


1/3/2017, "Trump utterly gutted the GOP in the primaries. That was the real landslide of 2016."...CNBC, Jake Novak  


Added: The next governing coalition that calls itself conservative will have to reflect the views of the pro-Trump voters," Laura Ingraham, NY Times, July 16, 2016

7/16/2016, "Donald Trump Forces G.O.P. to Choose Between Insularity and Outreach," NY Times, Alexander Burns, Jonathan Martin .......  

"Laura Ingraham, a conservative radio host supportive of Mr. Trump, said the party’s future base would have to be made up of “working-class nationalists,” who have been drawn to Mr. Trump and reject the Bush-era policies around immigration and trade. 

The next governing coalition that calls itself conservative will have to reflect the views of the pro-Trump voters,” she said."...(8 parags. from end)



Image, banner of NY Times Editorial, posted Tuesday evening May 3, 2016 for Wed., May 4, 2016 print edition 

Even the NY Times Editorial Board was honest enough to admit that the 2016 Republican voters' message "is testimony to how thoroughly they reject the Republican politicians who betrayed them."...

May 3, 2016, By The NY Times Editorial Board:  

"Republican leaders have for years failed to think about much of anything beyond winning the next election. Year after year, the party’s candidates promised help for middle-class people who lost their homes, jobs and savings to recession, who lost limbs and well-being to war, and then did next to nothing. 

That Mr. Trump was able to enthrall voters by promising simply to “Make America Great Again” — but offering only xenophobic, isolationist or fantastical ideas — is testimony to how thoroughly they reject the politicians who betrayed them."... 



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