Thursday, September 21, 2017

Establishment treatment of Trump is message to people like Kid Rock--don't try it or this will happen to you. Establishment can't have another Trump pop up in 10 years-Rush Limbaugh, 9/20/17

"All of this is aimed at destroying Donald Trump and everybody with him to send the signal to others who might be thinking of trying it, like Kid Rock."

9/20/17, "The Establishment Must Destroy Donald Trump," Rush Limbaugh

"Rush: Last night on Fox News. Michael Caputo was on, and he was asked about this effort of Mueller and the special counsel investigation and what it all means, and here is the Limbaugh Echo.

CAPUTO: I’m not quite certain they’re gonna beat President Trump and the people around President Trump, but I believe that that is their purpose. I think the establishment that’s been entrenched in Washington for so very, very long on both sides of the aisle, they can’t have another Donald Trump pop up in 10 years, another billionaire populist who wants to make things right in Washington. So they have to punish Donald Trump, his family, destroy his businesses, his friends, where I guess I fit in and others, and just to make sure that this never happens again.

RUSH: Folks, I cannot tell you how correct that is. That is almost 100 percent of the motivation behind the Mueller investigation, the deep state leaks on supposed collusion between Trump and Russia. All of this is aimed at destroying Donald Trump and everybody with him to send the signal to others who might be thinking of trying it, like Kid Rock.

Don’t even think about it, because we will destroy you too. I’ve tried to come up with various analogies to further explain and be persuasive on how this is actually structured and what it is, searching for ways to explain just how elite and distant and removed from the rest of the country the Washington establishment is. It does compromise people of all parties, not just both, but all parties.

It’s made up of people who have certain university pedigrees, they are in certain vocations, and it is a very exclusive, very arrogant organization....There’s not a single figurehead leader of the establishment. It’s more a way of life and a way of thinking....

And I’m telling you, it’s the most exclusive club in the country. And they have been rocked.

The establishment has been in charge, in control and running things for longer than you would believe. And it gets away with disguising itself by having two political parties that appear to be at war with each other, and they make a pretty good show of it. There are some differences in the parties. I mean, the establishment’s not all friends. They’re not all like-minded.

They’re not all going to backyard barbecues together, but even those who are on the outs politically, say Republicans not part of the mainstream media apparatus, not part of the dominant liberal culture, there nevertheless are members, and they value that, and they treasure it, and they will put their remaining membership, staying a member of the establishment above anything else: winning elections, finding certain kinds of employment.

It really is a close and tight-knit group. It’s relatively small, when you compare it to the entire population of the country, but it is where all of the power and the wealth is actually concentrated....And the attitude is they are better than everybody else. They are special simply by virtue of membership in this club....It’s that exclusive....

It’s an attitude, it’s an aura, and the attitude is one of total superiority, supremacy, knowledge, power, they’re better and they know it, than everybody else. It doesn’t matter how dumb or stupid they are. These are the people ruining everything, by the way. These are the people that got us into $20 trillion in debt....

And Trump will never, ever, no matter what, never, ever will be admitted to this. No matter what he does, no matter what he says, no matter how many friends he makes that are in the establishment, it will never happen. They can’t permit it. If somebody like Trump is permitted in the establishment and is an acknowledged member of it, then there goes the establishment. Everything they have used to keep people out will have blown to smithereens. He can’t become a member of it, and he shouldn’t even try or want to. Because the things he would have to do to convince them he’s worthy would mean betraying everybody that elected him. And he’s not gonna do that.
But Caputo here is more right than he knows. The Mueller investigation, 17 investigators, all Clintonites or Obamaites. They’re looking at Trump business affairs 10 and 15 years ago. And I will guarantee you they’re looking at Trump’s tax returns that hadn’t been made public and that $900 million tax deduction. If they can wipe Trump out with IRS penalties and taxes, they will do it folks....They won’t care. They have no compassion. There’s nothing humanitarian about this group whatsoever. If they could wipe him out, they will, to send the message to everybody: don’t even try it."


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