Wednesday, September 6, 2017

No denying $115.6 million US taxpayer dollars per day were spent on 'climate' from just 8 US agencies in 2016 ($42.2 billion/yr) per taxpayer dollars could otherwise go to the poor and needy. Please, exactly how much more must be stolen from us by the US political class before we're not labeled 'deniers' or murderers?)

Wouldn’t $10 million US taxpayer dollars per day be more than enough for the climate industry? Why does the US political class insist on $115.6 million a day (in 2016), 365 days a year? 

Dozens if not all US federal agencies engaged in climate spending in 2016. From just 8 agencies in 2016,  $115,616,438 million US taxpayer dollars daily went out the door to the weather and climate industry, $42.2 billion for the year, per 

Weather and Climate in the FY 2016 Budget, (Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science), Paul A.T. Higgins, Shalini Mohleji, American Meteorological Society  

“2016 climate and weather budget”


From Table 1: Weather and climate-related R and D in the Federal Budget"

NOAA $5.9 billion
NASA $18.5 billion
NSF $1.3 billion

Dept. of Energy $5.3 billion
Dept. of Interior, USGS $1.2 billion
USDA (Agric. Research Service) $1.4 billion

EPA $8.6 billion”

(Comment: During Obama’s 8 years, regular annual budgets weren’t used. “Requested” monies were allocated in other ways, and everyone was fine with it. In 2012, for example, no one had a problem giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars for ‘clean energy’ to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars. The $6 billion would be shared with Pres. of Indonesia for “renewables and cleaner energy.” The Sultan of Brunei of course carries out Islamic punishments of limb dismemberment and stoning to death. As to Indonesia, it’s so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs.)


Added: “Funding appears to be driving the science rather than the other way around….[32]” (item #11): 

2015 paper: The explosion of global climate science spending was traced to the United States Executive branch in 1990 and Bush #1’s USGCRP mandate. The continuing decades-long “boom” in global climate science spending was merely theft of US taxpayer dollars by the US political class:

Fall 2015, Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom,”, Butos and McQuade 

“2. By any standards, what we have documented here is a massive funding drive, highlighting the patterns of climate science Rand D as funded and directed only by the Executive Branch.”…1. The Government’s Role in Climate Science Funding…took a critical step with passage of the Global Change Research Act of 1990.  

The Act established institutional structures operating out of the White House.”...

Chart below, page 4, pdf, is an underestimate, doesn’t include congressional appropriations:


“Note and Sources: The data shown here are funding disbursements by the White House U.S. Global Change Research Program and its predecessor, the National Climate Program, available at NCP 1988, 43; Climate Science Watch 2007; and Leggett, Lattanzio, and Bruner 2013. These data, however, do not represent congressional climate science funding appropriations to other government agencies. As we show later in a more detailed assessment of U.S. government climate science funding, the numbers here, especially those for more recent years, greatly underestimate the actual level of funding.” pdf p. 4

“99.9 percent of climate science is funded by the government.

Added: UN IPCC: US temperatures cooled from 1950-2011: 

2012 UN IPCC report,Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (582 pages):

UN IPCC states central North America” temperatures cooled between 1950 and 2011. Citations on pages 121, 134, and 135 reference “central North America” cooling. (Scientific American says UN IPCC is “the world’s premier scientific body on the climate.)

UN IPCC: US temperatures cooled from 1950-2011: 

2012 UN IPCC report,Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (582 pages):

UN IPCC states central North America” temperatures cooled between 1950 and 2011. Citations on pages 121, 134, and 135 reference “central North America” cooling. (Scientific American says UN IPCC is “the world’s premier scientific body on the climate.") 

3 citations for “central North America” cooling temperatures from 1950-2011,” per 2012 UN IPCC report, Chapter 3, Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical Environment,” begins p. 109:

First citation, p. 121:

p. 121, Subhead 3.1.6: “Changes in Extremes and Their Relationship to Changes in Regional and Global Mean Climate:”

(Right column, near end of page): Parts of central North America [otherwise known as the US] and the eastern United States present cooling trends in mean temperature and some temperature extremes in the spring to summer season in recent decades (Section 3.3.1).”…

Comment: Tax dollars that otherwise could’ve gone to the poor and needy, education, or infrastructure, have instead for decades been funneled to climate fat cats.



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