Friday, August 18, 2017

The Swamp confers immunity to Antifa and Black Lives Matter and Death to America. One should hardly be surprised at the arrogant fury of the victors-James George Jatras, Strategic Culture Foundation...(The Republican Establishment Swamp is completely disconnected from this country and is happily watching America burn to the ground)

8/18/17, "The Death Of A Nation," James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation 

"He who says A must say B. When one accepts demonization of part of our history and placing those who defend it beyond the pale of legitimate discourse, one should hardly be surprised when the arrogant fury of the victors is unleashed. That takes two forms: the nihilist street thugs of «Antifa» and «Black Lives Matter», and the authorities (both governmental and media, a/k/a the Swamp) who confer on them immunity for violent, criminal behavior. The former are the shock troops of the latter. 

They’ve been at it for months, well before Charlottesville, across the country, with nary a peep from the [Republican] party that supposedly has uniform control over the federal government.

Our First Amendment rights as Americans end where a black-clad masked thug chooses to put his (or her or indeterminate «gender») fist or club. To paraphrase U.S. Chief Justice Roger Taney in Dred Scott, loyalists of the old America have no rights which the partisans of the new one are bound to respect. Where’s the Justice Department probe of civil rights violations by this organized, directed brutality. (Or maybe there will be one, including looking into George Soros’s connection. If not, what’s the point of having RICO?)"..

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