August 8, 2017, "Our Daily Installment of How Talk Radio Screwed Up America," Rush Limbaugh
"RUSH: We have our daily installments of why America is so screwed up, i.e., it’s talk radio’s fault. This one is Kurt Andersen. He was on Charlie Rose last night, the
Charlie Rose Show on PBS. Kurt Andersen is the author and the editor of —
well, one week he’s at Vanity Fair and the next week he’s at The New
Yorker and the week after that he’s at New York Magazine. He travels the
And, anyway, Charlie Rose and his effete cosmopolitan elitist PBS
show, Kurt Andersen’s new book Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire.
And Charlie Rose says, “What happens when somebody like National
Security Council or the national security intelligence apparatus
recommends something based on its hard-nosed reality, and the president
doesn’t believe it because he’s created this disrespect for what these
people have usually depended on or –” what a convoluted question.
You know what he’s asking? He’s asking, “You got these people at the
National Security Council and you’ve got the deep state embeds and you
got the intelligence people and you’ve got the climate change people and
you’ve got the welfare state people, you got all these Big Government
types, why doesn’t anybody believe ’em anymore? America’s falling apart
because nobody believes our embed deep state experts. Why is that, Mr.
ANDERSEN: Right. And there are decent people of integrity on the
right, what I call true conservatives, who are coming out and have been
coming out and saying, “We are culpable for convincing our followers
that to distrust reality with which-”
RUSH: Stop the tape! I want you to go back, folks, I want you to
really listen to this now, and I want you to ask yourself, who are these
true conservatives he’s talking about who are coming out and saying
that they are responsible for convincing conservative Americans to
distrust reality, what conservatives are doing that? Which conservatives
have you heard accepting blame? I can’t think of one.
I know the kind of people he’s thinking about but I can’t think of
one. Snerdley, do you know of any conservative, even the ones that may
not even be conservative, is any one of them coming out and blaming
themselves or others for lying to people, that conservatives are lying
and that’s why people can’t accept reality? Can you think of any
conservative? I can’t either. So really hear this guy’s answer. Here it
is from the top.
ANDERSEN: Right. And there are decent people of integrity on the
right, what I call true conservatives, who are coming out and have been
coming out and saying, “We are culpable for convincing our followers
that to distrust reality with which they disagree.” And it really, it’s
been going on again through the media, through talk radio, through talk
television, through the internet to enable people to make them think
they are entitled to their own facts. And if a climate scientist or a
national security expert
comes on, and says, “No, no, here are the
facts.” No, I don’t have to believe that because it doesn’t conform with
my opinion.
RUSH: See, this is the way they are trying to segregate America here.
They take their experts, be they climate change experts or be they
national security experts, and they use the word “expert,” and “expert”
is supposed to confer automatic credibility and infallibility. A
left-wing expert cannot be wrong. And so anybody that doesn’t accept
what the left-wing experts say is not somebody who intellectually
disagrees. It’s a closed-minded bigot who has created his own
alternative reality and lives there instead of accepting the facts from
the experts.
Now climate change is back in the news today....The New York Times has
pulled out all the stops today on this issue.
Has anybody ever wondered
why climate change is a political issue anyway? How did it become a
political issue? Why is something like the weather or climate, how has
it become a political issue? That’s the first thing you ought to ask,
and why is it treated no different than any other political issue?
And the answer ought to convince you that it is a political issue and
isn’t about science. And the people advocating for it are seeking a
political result that accomplishes pretty much everything liberalism
espouses: bigger government, higher taxes, blame the average American
and his natural lifestyle for the problem. It’s got every ingredient the
left needs to advance their agendas.
Here come these experts. I have scientists on my side, and they’re
experts, and they say it’s not true. And I’m gonna tell you this:
Science cannot have a consensus. Science is not a democratic process. Science is not subject to majority rule or any vote. Something either
scientifically is or it isn’t, but it isn’t determined as the result of a
vote. There’s no such thing in science. Nobody voted on whether the
earth is round. It was someday proven, and it’s not flat because a
majority of people thought it was. It’s just convoluted. National
security experts, the same thing.
So these people have their arrogant condescension and their smugness.
They’re of course experts. Now they’ve gotta come up with these
explanations why people don’t believe them, and it cannot be that there
is genuine intellectual disagreement. It cannot be that there is
legitimate scientific questioning and disagreement. No, no, no. It has
to be because their experts are infallible and we refuse to accept it,
which makes us political enemies....
You talk about people refusing to accept reality, it’s the climate
change people that refuse to accept the reality that the evidence
doesn’t support their models. And the models is all they’ve got. There
is no empirical data of climate change happening, certainly not caused
by man. The climate’s changing constantly, we need to acknowledge, the
climate’s changing all the time. The idea that we are making it happen
is, frankly, absurd.
So here’s Kurt Andersen, talk radio, right there, the media, talk
radio, convincing our followers to disbelieve facts and truth. And he
says he knows some conservatives who are admitting that they’re guilty
having done this. He doesn’t name them, of course.
Charlie Rose says (summarized), “So, Kurt — author of Fantasyland:
How America Went Haywire — what happened, Kurt, in the seventies to
change what was coming out of the sixties? I mean, you’re the expert
here, Kurt. You’ve written a book. That makes you an expert. That’s why
you’re an expert here on our network, PBS. So what happened in the
seventies to change what came out of the sixties?”
ANDERSEN: What’s so strange is that it seeped into all of American
culture now for so many years — the have your own truth, find your own
truth, do your own thing — that it’s no longer about youth or not youth.
It’s about it’s part of the kind of American mental operating system.
Uh, what happened on campuses and what happened at Woodstock didn’t stay
there. It sort of filtered out to the whole world, and then we got the
internet! We got technologies in terms of cable television and talk
radio and deregulated talk radio and the internet that allowed it to —
gave this sort of alternative facts world their own infrastructure
RUSH: These guys have it so in for us, folks, it’s just they will not
let this go. You heard him say “deregulated talk radio.” That’s the
Fairness Doctrine. They can’t… They just wish that had never happened,
and this show would exist whether the Fairness Doctrine had been
rescinded or not. Do not doubt me on this — and I am an expert in this.
So now Woodstock! What happened at Woodstock didn’t stay at Woodstock,
and what happened on campus didn’t stay on campus.
It has slithered out of there, and it’s now woven its way as an
intricately deceptive web here that has led to all of these unregulated
media. That means the government can’t shut anybody up, and we’re not
gonna rest until we get a government that’s gonna shut people up. Kind
of like Google just shut up that guy out there who happened to write a
manifesto that went totally contrary to the Google way of thinking."
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Comment: If government "experts" advance issues in which trillions of tax dollars are at stake, that should be noted. Andersen's "experts," such as in the area of national security (in current context, despite absolutely no evidence, you must accept that "Russia stole the election so Trump could win," election results are therefore invalid, Russia is a dangerous enemy of the US, and US taxpayers should pay for war with Russia), and "climate scientist" (Americans are greedy and must pay trillions to other countries in perpetuity, though no amount will ever be enough). Billions of taxpayer dollars already flow to cronies and parasites connected with "security" and "climate." But that's peanuts. "Experts" favored by Andersen in these fields expect trillions more and have the full force of central government behind them. The American people have no one behind them. They have only themselves. They're obsessed 24/7 with controlling everything we think because they think dictatorships are so much easier.
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