Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Commenter Feral Cat on The Race Card: "The Race Card is the most rapid-fire, all purpose, over used and abused, ad hominem and vapid weapon of smear, mass deception and diversion ever conceived by man. It is a weapon under which weak minds are servilely crouched"-8/8/2011 comment to American Thinker article

8/8/2011, Feral Cat comment about  the Race Card to American Thinker article: 

"The Race Card is the most rapid-fire, all purpose, over used and abused, ad hominem and vapid weapon of smear, mass deception and diversion ever conceived by man. It is a weapon under which weak minds are servilely crouched and can be fired with the greatest of ease by even the most reason and integrity challenged, and in fact, was designed especially for use by them. It is void of justice. It is void of liberty. It needs no footing in rationality. It is, in plain and clear fact, similar to a lynching. It has no expiration date"...

Comment was made to 2011 article about the rise of violent "knock out" and "flash mob" group attacks on random, defenseless individuals. At the time, the attacks were carried out mostly by black groups or mobs, caused severe injuries and sometimes death, and media refused or was reluctant to report the phenomenon:

August 8, 2011, "The Taboo on Mentioning Black Mob Violence," American Thinker, John T. Bennett

"If you point out a wave of racial mob violence, you are "race-baiting," according to several liberal commentators.... 

The wave of racist violence committed by black flash mobs is different from any other form of racism today.  The neglected social problem of racial mob violence is unique in its organization, the high numbers of people involved, the intensity of the violence, and the stark racial impact of that violence.  The violence is also unique in that it has been purposefully obscured by the mainstream media, with the editor of the Chicago Tribune, among others, saying that his paper will not report on the race of the attackers....

The attacks have largely emerged after Obama took office, with the first serious outbreak occurring in Philadelphia in 2009. The New York Times must be racist for reporting on that event. Of course it's "race-baiting" to point out unique problems that have emerged or worsened under this president -- like flash mobs, debt, and entitlements.... 

Pareene [of Slate] took Drudge to task for reporting on the vicious beating death of Derrion Albert. "The violent death of a young man is definitely Chicago, where it happened.  It had very little to do with whether Chicago is a suitable venue for the Olympics." The Olympic Committee probably thought otherwise. Mainstream outlets like CBS news questioned whether the murder hurt Chicago's Olympics bid.  A reasonable Olympic Committee would want to find a less violent place to hold the Olympics, just as many reasonable people have fled cities for the same reason....

Pareene goes on: "this world of race riots and constant violent attacks on innocent Caucasians exists only in the imaginations of Matt Drudge and the paranoid suburban and exurban white people he wants to keep terrified." But Drudge is not generating the terror; black violence is. Yen Nguyen was terrified as she watched her 72-year-old husband being beaten to death by blacks in the senseless "knock out" game.  Let Pareene find a story where whites did something similar and it was swept beneath the rug. Shaina Perry was terrified when she was being taunted and beaten in Milwaukee. Carter Strange was terrified while his skull was fractured in South Carolina, and Dawid Strucinski was terrified while being beaten into a coma in Bayonne. Anna Taylor, Emily Guendelsberger, and Thomas Fitzgerald were terrified as they were kicked on the ground in separate flash mobs. The 38 blacks who were arrested for four month's worth of mayhem in Denver, including the murder of Andrew Graham, are the source of terror, not Drudge.

John Cook at the Gawker takes a slightly less myopic approach than Pareene.  He says, "young people in large groups often make poor decisions" and that Drudge "rounded up a slew of run-of-the-mill summer crime stories that happen to involve black people and suggestively weaved them into a nationwide race riot." 

First of all, these are not run-of-the-mill crimes. They typically involve group attacks against defenseless, random victims who have no means to resist and did nothing to provoke their attackers. These flash mobs often stomp their victims even after they are down, as most of the news reports describe. These are not rumbles or fisticuffs; these are acts of brutal mob violence -- a new social problem that needs to be addressed. Cook says it's "race-baiting" to talk about these crimes. Presumably, it would not be considered race-baiting if the races were reversed. Speaking out about these stories is not only justified; it is necessary. There is no racism in America today that causes more harm than these mobs."...

"John Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, MAPSS '07) is a veteran, writer, and law student at Emory University living in Atlanta, GA."


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