Wednesday, July 19, 2017

This isn't Republican versus Democrat, it's Donald Trump and the Trump base vs the Washington establishment. It has always been that and nothing more. Too many people in Trump White House don't realize this-Rush Limbaugh

"This was the year (2016) Americans rose up to pull down the establishment in a peaceful storming of the American Bastille. But if it ends with...a ratification of the same old Beltway policies, would that not suggest there is something fraudulent about American democracy, something rotten in the state? If 2016 taught us anything, it is that if the establishment’s hegemony is imperiled, it will come together in ferocious solidarity — for the preservation of their perks, privileges and power. All the elements of that establishment-corporate, cultural, political, media--are today issuing an ultimatum to Middle America: Trump is unacceptable....


Why is it not Middle America issuing the demands, rather than the other way around? Specifically, the Republican electorate should tell its discredited and rejected ruling class: If we cannot get rid of you at the ballot box, then tell us how, peacefully and democratically, we can be rid of you? "...

You want Trump out? How do we get you out?"
8/11/2016, "Yes, the System Is Rigged," Pat Buchanan


July 18, 2017, "The Establishment Doesn’t Want to Implement the Trump Agenda," Rush Limbaugh

"The reason we’re talking about this is that it is abundantly clear, it’s just a matter of whether or not you wanted to admit it to yourself or not, it is abundantly clear that the career Republicans in Washington don’t want to touch Obamacare. They don’t want to repeal it. And they don’t want to do tax reform. And they don’t want to build a wall. They don’t want to do any of the Trump agenda. The Democrats, the Republicans, it doesn’t matter what the party divisions are, because we’re really not talking about that.

We’re talking about the elite club known as the establishment....  

Since the moment Donald Trump was elected you could see that the establishment began to circle the wagons and there was no way this guy was gonna be allowed to triumph on anything. There was no way that this establishment was going to permit an outsider to come in and clean house and show how Washington can work and blow their cover for the last how many decades. 

Now, don’t misunderstand; I’m not saying it can’t be done. I’m saying they weren’t going to help this along. They were not going to contribute. They were not gonna make this easy for Trump.  

It has never been about Trump unifying the Republican Party in order to beat the Democrats, and that’s been the mistake. That’s not the fight here. The fight is not Republican versus Democrat. The fight is Donald Trump and his cadre and you, the Trump base, versus the Washington establishment. It has always been that and nothing more. 

And, frankly, I think one of the problems has been that there aren’t enough people in the Trump White House who understand that that’s the way the table’s set. I think there’s a lot of career people in there who think the fight is the traditional fight between parties, and taken on that basis, that all plays out, and that’s not at all what has been going on here. We’re in the midst of a silent coup. 

These people are trying to take this president out, and everybody understands that. So why, in that circumstance, do you think that the same people trying to destroy Donald Trump are gonna help him get rid of Obamacare, are gonna help him reform the tax code?

They’re not. They are going to have to be defeated, not worked with. There isn’t any cooperation. Folks, this is so abundantly clear, it’s frustrating. The Republicans in both the House and the Senate seven times passed legislation to repeal Obamacare, and on a number of those occasions, the bills were actually sent to Obama where he vetoed them. The point is, it was not difficult to get enough votes to pass that legislation, because they were safe. They knew that it would never happen.
So they were able to make these show votes to convince voters that they were really oriented toward this direction getting rid of Obamacare knowing all the while it would never happen, they’d never have to deal it ’cause O was never gonna sign it. Now, for the last six months they can’t even agree to legislation that they have previously authored and passed seven times. It’s not hard to see what is going on here....

I want you to actually hear me say it from all the way back in the middle of December, 2016.

"RUSH ARCHIVE: President Trump has been running around, “We’re gonna repeal Obamacare. We’re gonna replace it.” The Republicans have said, “We’re gonna repeal and replace it.” People believe that Trump is gonna do that, but that’s only the beginning. Repealing it is one thing, but then there’s that word “replace,” and that’s where all of the potential danger resides. Repeal and replace. Now, as the free market advocate I am, what do you mean “replace”? Just get rid of this monstrosity."

Just get rid of it. That’s what you voted for. You voted to get rid of it. There is nobody that voted for Donald Trump that also meant for the federal government to run one-fifth of the U.S. economy or sixth, depending on how you do your math....

The people that elected Trump say, “Get rid of it!” But, folks, I’ve got the sound bites coming up. The Republicans are saying, “I — I — I don’t want to get rid of it. Too many governors and too many people have come to enjoy and expect the benefits.” The benefits! The benefits of Obamacare! The benefits. What are the benefits of Obamacare?...

The only thing the public right now has any influence over is the outcome of elections....The public, public opinion? Yep, when it comes to elections, that matters. But that’s when it stops. You think these people in the establishment are paying a scant bit of attention to what the public thinks? They’re not. They hold the public in contempt. In their view, the public doesn’t know enough to know the right thing....

The public doesn’t know anything,...and the public doesn’t have enough money to outspend the lobbyists and donors inside Washington who do have the money to influence the outcome of events. Yet all of this could be overcome. I know I’m painting a picture here that sounds pessimistic, but the fact that Trump won the election proves this can be overcome. But you gotta know who the enemy is. You gotta know where to take the battle and fight (chuckles) and I’m sorry, investing in the Republican leadership to carry your water? (laughing) Who ever thought that would work?...

The whole town is built around the existence of this establishment. Harvard and Yale are feeder colleges to educate future members of this establishment. Law schools and journalism schools ditto. The idea of an outsider — particularly one that the elite considers a pig — coming in here and winning and overturning it? There is just no way, folks. They’re sure not gonna permit it. Republicans, Democrats, whatever. So while they put on a show of the argument being Republican versus Democrat, the president versus Democrats, that’s not what’s going on.

This is the elite membership of the establishment unifying to get rid of Donald Trump and make sure that nothing of his announced agenda happens. No wall, no tax reform, no immigration reform of substance, and certainly no repealing of Obamacare. Not all members of the establishment are equally powerful. There are those who run it. You don’t know who they are. They don’t seek office. They’re not officeholders. They are the chess players, the puppeteers.

These are the people who assign roles. These are the people who determine how much money from the pile goes where, how much they get, and they then have the power (because of their ability to disburse the money), who gets it and therefore who remains loyal to the power and the elite club known as the establishment. They’re all aligned and unified now to deny Donald Trump — and if they can, to sabotage his presidency. They don’t care about impeachment. Just paralyze him. This has been from day one....

They then go out for reelection, what do they expect is going to happen? Do they think the public’s gonna forget? Do they think voters are not gonna mind? Do they think voters are gonna understand why they couldn’t do it? My point, something matters more to them than what they’re going to face during reelection. They are willing to incur the wrath of the voters by failing to repeal it after promising to do so."....image above from


Added: 5/3/2016, even The NY Times Editorial Board noticed how thoroughly voters rejected the GOP Establishment: 

The message of Trump voters in 2016 "is testimony to how thoroughly they reject the politicians who betrayed them."...

Image, headline of NY Times Editorial, posted Tuesday evening May 3, 2016 for Wed., May 4, 2016 print ed    
5/3/2016, By The NY Times Editorial Board:

"Republican leaders have for years failed to think about much of anything beyond winning the next election. Year after year, the party’s candidates promised help for middle-class people who lost their homes, jobs and savings to recession, who lost limbs and well-being to war, and then did next to nothing. That Mr. Trump was able to enthrall voters by promising simply to “Make America Great Again” — but offering only xenophobic, isolationist or fantastical ideas — is testimony to how thoroughly they reject the politicians who betrayed them."...


Added: Trump is the only Republican in the country with an army behind him:

May 10, 2016, "But as (Ann) Coulter told Chris Matthews, 

“ the (Republican) party. He is the heart and soul of the party.” She said Trump shouldn’t be wasting time meeting with “all these generals without armies” in the Republican establishment."  

"Ann Coulter: Trump Doesn’t Need to Meet With Paul Ryan, ‘He Is the Party’," MediaIte, Josh Feldman 


Comment: Yes, they're "generals without armies," and were "thoroughly" rejected, but as Rush said, that's irrelevant to the Establishment. Losing elections doesn't matter to them. They remain in charge no matter who wins elections. Call it the Deep State, call it whatever you want.


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