Sunday, July 2, 2017

Rush Limbaugh: The attacks against Trump are what no one else on the right or in the Republican Party has been willing to endure. They all compromised. This is what action against the left looks like. 'It's always going to be ugly and upsetting--and it's not going to get better'-Feb. 24, 2017

Rush Limbaugh: "You’ve got to win the election and then you have to implement the agenda.... You have to withstand all of the assaults that are going to come your way in the process. And this has been something that many on the right, the Republican Party…haven't wanted to endure the assaults....So they’ve been pragmatists or compromisers....Enter Trump into all of this, and now we've got action." 

2/24/17, "What Is Conservatism in the Age of Trump?" 

"Many people who thought that they were the modern-day leaders of conservatism, in fact found themselves in a new category called Never Trumpers. They were the group of people that thought no matter what, Trump should not win.... 

And many of those people are still there. And they are still active in what I call the academic or intellectual side of conservatism.... 

But I don't think it's had a leader in a long time. I don’t think there’s any one person that can tell you what it is and have other conservatives agree with it....Conservatism, largely, became an academic exercise. It became a movement that wasn’t really fraught with much action. It was a lot of philosophizing....You’ve got to win the election and then you have to implement the agenda and whatever it takes. And you have to withstand all of the assaults that are going to come your way in the process. And this has been something that many on the right, the Republican Party…They haven’t wanted to endure the assaults....So they’ve been pragmatists or compromisers.... 

So enter Trump into all of this, and now we've got action. We have action. Whether by design or by accident where Trump is concerned, we have action against the left, and this is what it looks like. And it’s always going to be ugly and it’s always going to be upsetting — and it’s not going to get better....

Much of the alleged intellectual heft of conservatism ended up being Never Trumpers or Never Trump, and they still may be Never Trump. But Dr. Larry Arnn, who is the president of Hillsdale College — and you’ve heard me sing his praises on numerous occasions on this program...Dr. Arnn addressed CPAC yesterday morning. His speech was titled, “The Roots of Conservatism,” and he posed two fundamental questions to the CPACers....What is conservatism and what are we conserving? Now, here’s, to me, unbridled truth.

Whether you claim to be politically conservative or not, we are in a mess that has been made by wanton liberalism — liberalism which has not been opposed much, and certainly not at all in the last eight years. It’s gotten its lip service. But the actual warrior aspect of conservatism? That’s what everybody’s wondering: “Where is that? Where is the warrior-conservative movement?” Yeah, we know we’ve got a lot of brainiacs that sit up there and they think and they write and they publish and all. But where are the warriors?... 

The ‘crisis’ facing American conservatives today, Dr. Arnn proposed, is a crushing administrative state that unconstitutionally combines the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government into one unaccountable body. ‘In those agencies there is no separation of powers,’ Arnn warned. Administrative agencies, run by unelected bureaucrats, operate outside of the bounds imposed upon the government by the U.S. Constitution. And every year these governing bodies create regulations with the force of law that strangle the economy and threaten individual liberty. 

With all the consternation on the right about whether President Trump is a conservative or not, Dr. Arnn reminded [the CPAC] audience of one simple fact: The president campaigned vigorously on cutting back regulations and limiting the unconstitutional administrative state. If the president succeeds in rolling back the administrative state, in restoring the proper function of constitutional government by limiting regulations, ‘I think that guy is a conservative,’ Dr. Arnn said, and let me tell you something: Dr. Larry Arnn is every bit the intellectual conservative that any of the others who are known as intellectual conservatives are.... 

Well, this mess that we are in — whether you claim to be politically conservative or not — the fact is that the solutions...will be conservative....And that means that as Trump solves problems, they’re going to be considered to be conservative solutions."...

Rush Limbaugh: Related Link:
Hillsdale Collegian: Arnn Calls Trump a Conservative at CPAC Speech

Laura Ingraham on governing as a "conservative:"The next governing coalition that calls itself conservative will have to reflect the views of the pro-Trump voters," she said.".

7/16/2016, "Donald Trump Forces G.O.P. to Choose Between Insularity and Outreach," NY Times, Alexander Burns, Jonathan Martin
"Laura Ingraham, a conservative radio host supportive of Mr. Trump, said the party’s future base would have to be made up of “working-class nationalists,” who have been drawn to Mr. Trump and reject the Bush-era policies around immigration and trade.

The next governing coalition that calls itself conservative will have to reflect the views of the pro-Trump voters," she said."...(8 parags. from end) 


Added: The US has only one functioning political party, the UniParty: Codevilla 

"So long as the UniParty exists, mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does."

12/15/2013, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo Codevilla,


Added: Codevilla on ObamaCare:

"Obamacare has existed strictly at the sufferance of the (GOP) House leadership since that majority took office in January 2011": Angelo Codevilla:

9/17/2013, "The Obama-Boehner Project," Angelo M. Codevilla,

"The Republican Party owes its majority in the House of Representatives – and John Boehner his speakership thereof – to the American people’s dislike of Obamacare. Because the US Constitution is explicit that the US government may expend only funds appropriated by Congress, Obamacare has existed strictly at the sufferance of the House leadership since that majority took office in January 2011. But John Boehner and his chosen band have thwarted the majority of Republican congressmen’s desire to use the constitutional power they have to refuse to appropriate money for Obamacare. In this, Boehner and co. have worked in bipartisan coordination with the ruling class, including the media, including Fox News....

The ruling class’ foolishness and insincerity, its willingness to insult the American people’s intelligence, are no joke. But we can take comfort in its transparent ineptitude." 



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