6/16/17, "Some Washington Republicans Really Are Waiting for President Pence," Rush Limbaugh
"By the way, there’s a school of thought
running around in Washington on Capitol Hill...when you start asking Republicans, “Why are you not trying to move the
Trump agenda? Why are you sitting on your hands? Why do you let
Democrats run the show?” One of the answers you get is, “We’re waiting
for Pence.”
I ran this theory by a sitting member of the Republican House of
Representatives, and he thought, “Rush, I haven’t heard that. I haven’t
heard a word of that.” And he started looking into it, and he wrote me
back. He said, “I must ask your forgiveness.” There are apparently — I
don’t know what the number is, but there are enough Republicans, some in
the House, who are convinced that Trump’s gonna be impeached. They are
convinced that Trump is toast. And they want to hold off on moving the
Trump agenda until he’s gone so it then becomes President Pence.
I mean, Pence is one of them. Pence is a governor. Pence is a member
of the House....Pence is a guy they understand and
know. They’re not embarrassed. They’re not ashamed or any of that. And I
think there’s some validity. Take
Pence out of it. I think there’s a
sizable group of Republicans that think Trump isn’t going to make it.
And, as such, they are sitting on their hands and not advancing Trump’s
agenda because they think that once Trump goes, his agenda is gonna be
the next thing and that anybody who voted for it is gonna get the same
treatment Trump got. So even though they’re running the show, you just
don’t see much evidence."
Rush Limbaugh "Related links"
"Politico: Man on a Wire: Mike Pence’s Tightrope Act"
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