Tuesday, June 20, 2017

In 2012 Rockefeller Republican George Shultz endorsed a carbon tax--you were surprised? In 2010 'Republican Elder' Schultz partnered with Dem. Tom Steyer to defeat Calif. prop 23. Rockefeller Republicans are lifelong parasites devoted to preventing the Republican Party from being a party of the people-July 13, 2012, GlobalWarming.org

6/20/17, "Exxon, BP support Republican elders' climate proposal," Reuters, by Richard Valdmanis 

A carbon tax proposal co-authored by James Baker, Sec. of State for George H.W. Bush, and George Shultz ran as an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday 6/20/17. The ad was paid for by the so-called Climate Leadership Council. Why in the name of God can't these people leave us alone? Are their lives so empty?

7/13/2012, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?" GlobalWarming.org, Marlo Lewis

"This pattern is becoming boringly familiar....

There has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicanswho care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):

There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservatives — who are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution,” he added.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.” (begin parag. 11)...

As noted here, earlier this week, former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) launched a new institute with Rockefeller Family Fund backing
[oil money] to promote carbon taxes as a ‘Republican idea.’...  

"Yes, that George Shultz, President Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State. But not everyone who served with Reagan was a Reaganite. Reagan’s VP, G.H.W. Bush, famously campaigned on a platform of “Read my lips: No New Taxes.” Not two years later he raised taxes in a 1990 budget deal that torpedoed the economy and sank his presidency.

Yesterday, in an interview puff piece (July 12, 2012) penned by two associates, Shultz, a distinguished fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, called for a ‘revenue-neutral’ carbon tax. This is unsurprising. As the article reminds us,
in 2010, Schultz, partnering with Tom Steyer, a democrat, “led the successful campaign to defeat Proposition 23, a California ballot initiative to suspend the state’s ambitious law to curb greenhouse gases.”"...


11/8/2013, "The Sabotage Republicans," Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

If Establishment Republicans happen to win, they merely carry out the Democrat agenda. If they don't win the primary, they sabotage the choice of Republican voters. In 1964, Nelson Rockefeller "criss-crossed the nation" warning people of the danger of "extremists" like Barry Goldwater. The popular JFK had been assassinated less than a year earlier, his chosen VP LBJ was sworn in as president standing next to a blood spattered Jackie Kennedy (see photo below), and no one was going to beat JFK's VP. Goldwater's loss to LBJ was entirely predictable but is used to this day as "proof" that Establishment Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller were right. Sabotage by "fellow Republicans" prevents the US from having an opposition party to the Democrats. Meaning the US is a dictatorship.


11/22/1963, JFK's VP LBJ was sworn in as US president, a blood-spattered Jackie Kennedy beside him.


6/20/17, Free Republic comments to so-called Republican elder statesmen who screwed up so badly that we got Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3562614/posts

In addition to leading the Hoover Institution's Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, Shultz chairs the advisory boards of two energy research umbrella organizations: Stanford's Precourt Institute for Energy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Energy Initiative. - See more at: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/july/george-shultz-energy-071212.html#sthash.GD1t7GG3.dpuf

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