Wednesday, May 31, 2017

EU's Juncker must be at the booze again, thinking he can bully President Trump or the 63 million Americans who voted for him. Juncker's drinking habits, cognac for breakfast, have caused concern at highest levels of EU. British officials predicted putting Juncker in top EU job could push Britain to Brexit-UK Telegraph, 6/26/2014

6/26/2014, "Fears over Jean-Claude Juncker's drinking," UK Telegraph, by , and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

"Concerns about the lifestyle of European Commission's president in waiting raised by EU leaders ahead of key summit."

"Jean Claude-Juncker's drinking habits have been discussed at the highest levels by European leaders, who privately have concerns over the lifestyle of the continent’s president-in-waiting, it has emerged.

With David Cameron facing defeat in his attempt to prevent Mr Juncker being confirmed as president of the European Commission, it can be disclosed that a series of allegations about his alcohol consumption have been the subject of top-level talks.

On Thursday, as Mr Cameron...declared himself “unapologetic” over his attempt to block the former leader of Luxembourg....

Allegations have circulated around Brussels in recent years about Mr Juncker’s drinking. 

One senior diplomatic source has said he “has cognac for breakfast”....

Concerns about Mr Juncker’s lifestyle have been raised in recent meetings of EU leaders.

A European diplomat in Brussels said: “His alcohol consumption has been raised by a number of leaders since the parliament election.” 

A separate European Commission source confirmed the report.

Sources also described how Mr Juncker “chain-smoked” through a series of meetings on Thursday....

British officials indicated that giving Mr Juncker the job could push Britain towards an exit from the EU....

Mr Juncker faced more controversy yesterday after he refused to reveal his lucrative earnings from private speaking engagements after Germany’s Süeddeutsche Zeitung newspaper revealed that he is hired by at least four agencies for speaking engagements."... 

image above via:

6/29/2016, "Still sneering at Britain: Jean-Claude Juncker the boozy bully who sums up all that's rotten about the EU," Daily Mail, Geoffrey Levy


9/14/2016, "Jean-Claude Juncker denies alcohol problem during interview in which he drinks four glasses of champagne," UK Telegraph, Laura Hughes


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