Thursday, May 11, 2017

CNN insulted all Americans and their elections when its host Chris Cuomo admitted on air on 6/9/2014 that CNN and other media were trying to effect the outcome of a US election. Cuomo said of then presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign...We couldn't help her any more than we have."

May 11, 2017, "Yikes! CNN Statement Slams Trump for Knocking Cuomo, Lemon; ‘Beneath the Dignity of the Office’," NewsBusters, Curtis Houck

CNN's Chris Cuomo on the air June 9, 2014 cheered the media for trying to effect the outcome of a US presidential election in favor of  presumptive Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, providing millions of dollars of free advocacy:

 6/9/2014, "CNN's Chris Cuomo: The media's been giving Hillary a "free ride,"" MediaIte, Josh Feldman 

"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made an aside at the end of a segment about Hillary Clinton this morning, remarking that the media has been pumping up her campaign and giving her a “free ride” so far. Clinton will almost definitely run for president in 2016, and she has a lot of interviews lined up for this week....

Cuomo then observed, “We couldn’t help her any more than we have. She’s got just a free ride so far from the media! We’re the biggest ones promoting her campaign, so it better happen.”"


Added: Text from You Tube page ("show more") about 6/9/2014 CNN statements. Chris Cuomo's response that he did nothing wrong was either a lie or incompetence:

8/4/2016, "CNN Admits to Being "the Biggest Ones Promoting" Hillary Clinton's Campaign," You Tube page post

"CNN anchors, Chris Cuomo and Brooke Baldwin, were discussing the possibility of Hillary Clinton entering the 2016 presidential race. The video begins with Mr. Cuomo explaining how Mrs. Clinton's refusal to publicly announce her run for the highest office in the land was hurting other potential Democrat candidates due to wealthy donors withholding their money while waiting for her announcement. It is at this moment Mr. Cuomo makes a highly controversial statement:...

"We couldn't help her anymore than we have. You know, she's just got a free ride so far from the media and we're the biggest ones promoting her campaign."

When asked for a response to this video, Chris Cuomo tweeted, "look at the date (6/9/2014) and see it for what it IS. WHEN SHE WAS ABT TO ANNOUNCE!! MEDIA WAS HYPING HER AND TRUMP.""...

[False, Trump didn't announce until June 2015, one year after this CNN video--he wasn't even on the horizon in June 2014. It was Jeb Bush and a few others. Cuomo says, "look at the date," it's OK because we were hyping "both" Hillary and Trump. Not so.]

(You Tube continuing): "This news segment occurred prior to Hillary Clinton announcing her candidacy in April 2015. Donald Trump did not announce that he was running for President until June 2015. Mr. Trump was not anywhere on the political radar before he made his announcement. Additionally, most political pundits and news organizations, including CNN, did not take his candidacy seriously in the beginning, believing that his campaign would not last through the fall of 2015."...


Added: Reaction to 2017 Trump comments about CNN's Chris Cuomo:

5/11/17, NewsBusters: "CNN issued a statement disguised as an editorial, blasting President Donald Trump for comments he made about liberal CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon as “beneath the dignity of the office of the President."

Reported by Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter, he filled the role of network stenographer: 

"CNN says President Trump's latest anti-media attacks "are beneath the dignity of the office of the President."

In an interview with Time magazine, Trump insulted CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon and criticized MSNBC's Joe Scarborough. He also called CBS late-night host Stephen Colbert a "no-talent guy." 

CNN responded in a statement Thursday afternoon: "His comments are beneath the dignity of the office of the President."

The interview reaffirmed Trump's fixation on TV coverage and his fascination with ratings. He repeatedly misconstrued the ratings for specific shows."
Now, what did Trump say that was so upsetting that it triggered an entire network to lash out at the President?

Concerning far-left New Day host Chris Cuomo, Trump slammed him for possessing “a level of hatred” for him (Trump) “like a chained lunatic” and “a boiler ready to explode.”

Well then. It’s easy to see why Trump would feel that way considering the Cuomo-Kellyanne Conway interview on Wednesday and any basic perusing of Cuomo’s NewsBusters file."

CNN Tonight host Don Lemon was also mentioned by Trump. Most ABC journalists would fit this description, but the President told Time that Lemon’s “perhaps the dumbest person in broadcasting” and cuts off guests to go to commercial break whenever they make a point that he disagrees with.

CNN wasn’t the only media called out in this interview. Here’s what Trump stated about his former pal and Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough: 

Scarborough used to treat me great. But because I don’t do interviews and stuff and want to … He went the other way. Which is fine. He’s got some problems. But I don’t watch the show anymore. It drives him crazy. I don’t watch the show.

CBS’s Late Show host Stephen Colbert has enjoyed a rise in the ratings as the unofficial comedian of "The Resistance," down to his gay sex joke about the President pleasuring Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump called out Colbert as “a no-talent guy” offering “nothing” that’s “funny” but “filthy” jokes when “you have kids watching.”

If print people felt left out by this Trump media tirade, he took a brief pot shot at The New York Times and The Washington Post, stating “they’re really, really dishonest.”"



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