Thursday, March 30, 2017

We need President Trump to go above and beyond the call of duty to save the country. He must reign in these Republicans. He must succeed by making the changes he promised in his campaign. He needs to take the gloves off. We the people need to help him do it. If not, we'll be in globalist hands before the next election-Retired Green Beret via Zero Hedge

"The political parties are an illusion, but there is one thing that is not illusory: the absolute desire of government to rule without the consent of the governed and to relegate the governed to a position barely above that of cattle. The President needs to take the gloves off."

3/29/17, "The Political Parties Are An Illusion Designed To "Relegate The Governed To The Level Of Cattle"," Zero Hedge, Authored by Jeremiah Johnson (nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces) vis 

"Over the course of the past week and the attempt to rid the United States of the abomination of Obamacare, the true nature of the state of thingsthe stance of our government…has revealed itself.  Here is how they have done it: 

When Obama was in power, the Congress stamped their feet and yelled with “faux” frustration: powerless to reverse ObamacareNow Obama is gone and President Trump is in, and it is Congress…the Republican-controlled Congress, mind you…that will not get rid of Obamacare.... 

The future of this country is on hold right now.  What we need is for the President to go above and beyond the call of duty to save the country.  He must reign in these Republicans.  He must succeed by making the changes he promised in his campaign and show successes to a population with the attention span of a gnat whose votes can be bought by handouts.  He needs to take the gloves off, put a roll of quarters in each hand, and then put the gloves back on....
We can’t afford to lose this one, and we only have until November when the battle really becomes joined.  Obamacare needs to be repealed and renounced, not repealed and replaced. All Republicans that went against the repeal need to be investigated.  They need to be “repealed,” (removed) and replaced with representatives who will vote the will of the people and represent the people....The subterfuge and sabotage by the Democrats and the pseudo-Republicans will continue for a “watered down” brief hiatus from the last 8 years of nightmarish misery…until a return to power by the Marxists.

Those pseudo-Republicans are the ones who will enable it.  Picture Elizabeth Warren in four years as the President with her husband, Cass Sunstein in the White House. 

This battle against the President’s reforms and changes with Obamacare is only the beginning. It is a battle on many fronts with numerous issues....The political parties are an illusion, but there is one thing that is not illusory: the absolute desire of government to rule without the consent of the governed and to relegate the governed to a position barely above that of cattle. The President needs to take the gloves off and throw the Marquis of Queensbury rules aside in order to win. We the People need to help him do it. 

If not, we’re going to lose this country even before the next presidential election and fall into the hands of the globalists.  Should that happen, all our freedoms will die, and so will we as a nation.  The time to act is now, and the responsibility to act is ours."


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