Thursday, March 16, 2017

Trump approval and nationwide voter optimism on the rise-Morning Consult Politico Poll, March 9-13, 2017

March 9-13, 2017, nationwide Morning Consult/Politico online poll of 1983 registered voters

3/15/17, "Poll: Trump Approval, Voter Optimism on the Rise," Morning Consult, Eli Yokley

"More Americans approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president and of the direction the country is headed, according to Morning Consult/POLITICO surveys conducted over the past six weeks. 

The most recent poll [scroll to second to last paragraph in linked Politico article which is mostly about "health care"], conducted March 9-13, found that 52 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with a 49 percent approval rating shortly after Inauguration Day. This month’s survey found that 43 percent of respondents do not approve of the president’s job performance. 

When asked about the direction of the country, 46 percent of Americans said they believe the country is on the right track, up 4 points since a late January poll and up 17 points since immediately after Election Day, when just 29 percent of voters felt the same way. Still, 54 percent of voters said the country is on the wrong track, 4 percentage points lower than immediately after Trump took office.

Despite several public controversies, the two measurements have remained relatively steady, and almost all of the movement has been in Trump’s direction among all voters. 

Much of the gains track with positive economic indicators during his first few weeks in office, including a strong jobs report and stock market gains. The S and P 500 Index is up more than 100 points since Trump’s inauguration, and on Friday [March 10] the White House took a victory lap after government figures showed a gain of 235,000 jobs during his first full month in office. 

Related: Voters Reactive Positively When Trump Talks About Jobs, Poll Shows 

The polls also found that Americans are more likely to trust the Republican Party to handle economic issues than the Democrats. Forty-nine percent said they trust congressional Republicans to handle the economy over Democrats [trusted by 32%], and 50 percent said the same about handling jobs [32% trust Democrats]. Three in 10 voters, a plurality, said the economy is the top issue on their mind.

Trump’s lone dip in job approval came in early February ["After two weeks in office, 47 percent of voters approved of his job performance, down 2 points from the previous week"] following the initial rollout of his controversial executive order banning citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries from traveling to the United States [which was approved by 55% of registered voters, tied for #1 most popular of Trump executive orders to that point, the other most popular being revoking federal funding for sanctuary cities, see chart below]. Last week, Trump signed a similar executive order designed to withstand a potential court challenge. Fifty-six percent of registered voters support the new order, compare with 55 percent who supported the first travel ban, which was blocked by a federal judge. 

Eighty-four 84 percent of Trump supporters back the latest ban, and their optimism for the direction of the country has also grown, from 69 percent to 78 percent, during the president’s first weeks in office. Twenty-two percent of Trump voters said America is still on the wrong track. 

Trump’s supporters approve just as strongly of his job performance now (92 percent) as they did when he took office (91 percent). The share of Trump voters disapproving of his work as president has risen from 3 percent to 6 percent. 

The national online survey polled 1,983 registered voters from March 9-13. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. See more here." [This link goes to actual Morning Consult poll: "Morning Consult National Tracking Poll #170306 March 09-13, 2017].

Added: Approval of Trump Exec. orders, chart from 2/18/17, "Trump’s Approval Rating Slides Despite Support for Travel Ban," Morning Consult, Cameron Easley

Added: In second paragraph of 3/15/17 Morning Consult article (above), clicking on "recent poll" takes you to a 3/15 Politico article which doesn't mention the positive Trump approval numbers until the second to last paragraph, and then in only two sentences. The lengthy article is devoted to "health care". Back to the Morning Consult piece, its last word, "here," takes you to the actual poll. 

Politico article linked by Morning Consult:

3/15/17, "Poll: Voters wary of GOP health care bill," Politico, Steven Shepard 

After the Politico article, you can find links to the poll describing positive Trump numbers:

"Morning Consult is a nonpartisan media and technology company that provides data-driven research and insights on politics, policy and business strategy. 

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents — Toplines: | Crosstabs:"


Politico's 2nd to last paragraph mentions positive Trump news:

"Similarly, the POLITICO/Morning Consult survey also shows more positive opinions of the job Trump is doing as president. In the new poll, 52 percent of voters approve of Trump’s job performance, while more than the 43 percent disapprove....

The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll surveyed 1,983 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points."


Comment/note: Reason for my placing ellipsis (...) in 1st of two paragraphs above: Politico and Morning Consult were apparently unhappy about the good news for Trump and the country. Putting it at the very end of the Politico article and confining it to two sentences wasn't sufficient. A negative, non sequitur sentence was added to the paragraph without a single substantiating source or link:

"But, on balance, most polls show more disapprove than approve of the job Trump is doing."... 

I removed the above sentence and placed an ellipsis (...) to denote I'd done so. The above sentence is the epitome of Fake News.


Added comment: The emotionally stunted individuals who comprise the staffs of Politico and Morning Consult are likely results of poor parenting. Who would raise a child to seek a job running interference for global fat cats and misleading ordinary people?


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